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Everything posted by JediMaster

  1. I think I have the original version, but I might have the updated one. If not, I have all the WAPJ, WoF, and IAPJ issues anyway.
  2. Great ArmA Video

    All I know is, if the vehicle is hit, bail and RUN!!!
  3. I think Hyperlobby is the only "browser" for MP. Other than that, you need to find websites made by people who run the servers and get the info there (they'll list the IP address) and you can join that way.
  4. The EA-6B has enough pylons to carry HARMs plus the ALQ pods. The EF-111 had only two pylons under the glove and both carried ALQs. It had no pylons for ordnance. The EA-18 has pylons like the EA-6 and will be a hunter too. While a 4 person crew with the EA-18's suite could certainly out do a 2 man one, any plane capable of carrying 4 people would be slower and more vulnerable. Let's face it, neither AAA nor IR SAMs care about those jammers. You can't jam the MkI eyeball! It's better to have 2 EA-18s instead.
  5. Like build a totally new P-38 from scratch.
  6. Happy Birthday

    Guess that AARP membership is in the mail!
  7. Bad tattoo day...

    Oh, come on. How can you ruin a joke that ends "of some sort"??
  8. Great ArmA Video

    Yeah, when vehicles explode now you get a mini-mushroom cloud. While it works great on tanks, I think it a little much for the UAZs.
  9. That's very good news. I'm sure your ranking would've been higher sooner if more people had the game.
  10. Back home at last...

    The A-10C looks...just like an A-10A.
  11. Wouldn't the salt water corrosion preclude any hope of flying it again? This wasn't at the bottom of a lake or something, this was at the tide line.
  12. Wow, you can specify the CEP directly and it will I suppose randomize how close to target it lands? Neat.
  13. Wings Over Imhotep, as you attack a resurrected Egyptian priest with a biplane in the desert...
  14. 5 Years

    I'm another Dec 2002 joiner, the wife got it for me (the real non-beta version) for Xmas. Haven't gone a day without it on my HD since.
  15. I had to buy a DVD read-only drive. It hated my RW drive, so now I have 2 optical drives in my system. Ironically, certain SecuROM games hate that reader but have no trouble with the RW drive...
  16. Yes, but the EA-18 will be able to keep up with the other Hornets during missions, as opposed to the EA-6 which is incapable of those speeds. The other thing is modern computers should allow 2 to do the job of 3 (as in the EA-6 I don't think the pilot did any EW work himself, just flew).
  17. Any Saltwater Aquarium Pros?

    Eric. All of them. There's nothing wrong with that. I've heard tell that Sir Gerald Nabarro has a pet prawn called Simon - you wouldn't call him a loony! Furthermore Dawn Pathorpe, the lady show jumper, had a clam called Stafford, after the late chancellor. Alan Bullock has two pikes, both called Chris, and Marcel Proust had an haddock! So if you're calling the author of 'A la recherche de temps perdu' a loony, I shall have to ask you to step outside!
  18. ATT...

    I'm Mr. Boombastic say me fantastic touch me in my back she says I'm Mr Ro...mantic
  19. Wings over Idiots? You get to drop bombs on large groups of protesters against things like cruelty to amoebas.
  20. Yeah, SF's lack of consistency as to who has trouble with it is another problem. However, my first SF title was SC: Chaos Theory and I had no end of troubles with it. Once I finally got it working, I started getting other SF titles. FC and GTL are the other 2 I think. I only have 3 total since my X3: Reunion released a patch dumping SF. Anyway, those other 2 never gave me any trouble, but of course that could be because the things I did to get SC:CT working also resolved any potential issues with SF.
  21. Latest version for vanilla LOMAC is 1.02. For the FC addon it's 1.12a/b.
  22. Just Reinstalled XP Pro

    You don't really have to worry. MS Update will grab the latest version of DX. Or you can go to www.microsoft.com/directx and get it from there. Anyway, you can't get DX10 for XP, it doesn't exist, so there's no danger of getting the wrong one. Vista uses DX9L I think, but you don't have it so no worries.
  23. Recruit of the Jedi

    There are an astonishing number of these SW fan films. Some are good as long as they stick to fighting and such. The acting isn't always up to snuff.
  24. Alpha Sim A-6

    Seems a mighty shame to have a bird like that and then not be able to bomb things with it!
  25. Need ...HELP

    I'm confused. You can't fly the F-14 nor can you take off from a carrier in F4:AF. You fly F-16s only.

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