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Everything posted by JediMaster

  1. OPTG - interview w/ StarGate Worlds MMO

    I love the Stargate universe, and was very sad when the FPS was cancelled. That said, I'm not sure how an MMO would work there and frankly I don't care for MMOs period.
  2. Being down sized!

    That's because you've got such AWESOME weather.
  3. That's the F-108's name. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XF-108_Rapier
  4. Oh, the 2nd gen Flankers? No ETA on those other than, naturally, 2 weeks.
  5. C-5s are scary on takeoff. Those engines whine and growl so much it sounds like it's STRAINING to get airborne. You almost think the engines are going to go POOF at any second.
  6. Right, how long it takes to do it well isn't the problem. Just give us updates to let us know you've not abandoned us in the dark, lonely night...
  7. Now, there are some women I'd pay that for.
  8. I can't tell if you frakking blipping or blipping frakking!
  9. Single Player Demo - Crysis Oct 26th

    That's tomorrow! :fan_1:
  10. FMs and the Expansion Pack

    Many of the planes, especially the new ones, have massive nose up tendencies that you have to fight. For the Camel 130, I watched the plane in exterior view and it's the elevator that's the problem. In the 110 or 150, you pull back or push forward on the stick and release and the elevator returns to neutral (0 degrees deflection). On the 130, If you pull back and release, it returns to what seems to be 5 or so degrees up. If you push forward and release, it returns to about 5 degrees down. It won't return to 0 degrees. That trim statement may fix it, but I don't know if that's a line missing from it that the 110 and 150 have or if it's merely a band-aid to fix the real problem somewhere else.
  11. Community Mega Pack

    I love NATO Fighters for a simple reason--I fly online with a guy who has almost zero talent for complicated modding. We've flown FE stock from day 1, and with the expansion we now have more planes although I've had my other modded FE install that I play offline. NF means that with the combined WoV/WoE install we have plenty of planes for MP with no conflicts plus he has a fully loaded install for offline. I love OTC even though I've never played it MP just because it was so involved if it had to be done manually, and that's why some of the equally good mods that were NOT all-in-one I've yet to install.
  12. Lawn Darts

    Yeah, like all those rappers referring to "dames" and "broads."
  13. Osprey to deploy to Iraq

    I heard a report of a belly-mounted turret with 360 degree arc (only usable when gear is up, of course) being test installed. That could work out.
  14. Maybe if someone reminds Iran where the tech came from they'll send them back? LOL. :umnik2:
  15. Being down sized!

    Maybe you can get a job with the outside vendor (assuming they're also local, which does happen sometimes)? You may take a pay cut, but at least you'd still be working.
  16. Anyone know this language?

    You don't want to have to deal with extremist paparazzi, do you?
  17. Got Caught in the Act......

    I'm not sure...I may not actually feel sorrow at this. I'll have to check with a certified professional like Dr Phil first.
  18. Poll: Batman vs. Superman

    However, Batman gets all the girls thanks to his cool car. Superman is forbidden to interfere with human history, and all he has is that lame Lois Lane.
  19. Frivolous

    Beware the eel spies...
  20. I don't know about the rest of you, but I got a good feeling/sad feeling with the DCS announcement. On the one hand, it's not vaporware, it will be coming out!! Plus we don't have to wait for the NEXT title to start their "sequel" to LOMAC, BS will be the first part of said sequel now. OTOH, I can't help but be saddened that we won't be able to integrate it with LOMAC FC, and flying alongside A-10s will have to wait for a bit. This means FC will be known as the Su-25 study sim only with a few other planes in it. The only questions now are when, how much, how to get it, and is SF going to return?
  21. STL: The Aftermath Stage 2

    Ever since I first saw Star Trek 3 the Excelsior has been one of my favorite designs. I hated the Enterprise B makeover, though. Does the NX change to NCC 2000 ever like it was in ST6?
  22. That's right! Hard science is NO MATCH for wishful thinking!!
  23. Raptor Rusting ...

    I suppose if the F-22 pilot did THAT he would indeed get shot down.
  24. Happy B'arfday to

    The eels of war won't negotiate The eels of war don't capitulate, They will take and you will give, And you must die so that they may live You can knock at any door, But wherever you go, you know they've been there before Well winners can lose and things can get strained But whatever you change, you know the eels remain.

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