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Everything posted by JediMaster

  1. English class in spain

    I can understand not wanting to learn a foreign language. Growing up we had to take Spanish or French and it was seen as a big nuisance. I can NOT understand children BORN and RAISED in a country either showing no interest in learning that language or speaking it with a horribly thick accent! Imagine a child born and raised in Madrid who speaks Spanish like a BBC announcer! No joke, there are Spanish speakers in Miami that were BORN there that speak English far worse than most people I've met in Mexico! They also seem to have this bizarre "I don't really want to be in this country, so I will try and pretend I'm not" attitude towards those of us who were born here and speak English. I don't understand it.
  2. My favorite SAAB. The Gripen is ok, the Draken not so much, those that came before can be most kindly described as "functional".
  3. So... this new PLAAF stealth fighter...

    No, by then we'll just use budgets to take down the enemy. After all, it's a big war now, it will still be then!
  4. I told everyone in the other thread, post #5! Guess that proves people don't actually READ my posts...
  5. Really? Really??? Look back at post 5 in this VERY thread. I already told you all it was an AB 212!!!!!
  6. More than Black Shark 1 got its entire life!
  7. Wow, get an auto-updater and the patches come small and fast now!
  8. ...plus a "b" patch for it. Hansa Brandenburg W12 released with it, Roland CII up for preorder. Not sure when the Channel map is due out... Oh, and if you're wondering, yes this happened a couple of weeks ago, and many know already...but for those of you who did NOT...
  9. I'm so glad for the autoupdater FINALLY. Funny that TK got one before ED!!
  10. Who....

    What in the wide, wide world of sports is going on in this thread?
  11. Except this is useless for where it counts...SAMs. Sure, you could GCI direct an interceptor to the area to look for it, but you couldn't launch a SAM. There's a big difference between search and track, and while this technique can defeat stealth in the search area, it's far too coarse for tracking. So you'd know a plane was there, but anything you'd fire at it would miss by a mile (or more).
  12. Identify this Aircraft

    LOL, I just read about that in the latest issue of Air & Space. The "Rutland Reindeer" from No Highway in the Sky, 1951, with uber pilot actor Jimmy Stewart.
  13. Who....

    I believe that was 1C and Luthier's comments about CloD you smell...
  14. Interesting. I'm going into the view.lua to turn off the rolling cockpit (which was only ok for the Ka-50 for me, I find it unbearable if bank angle exceeds 70 degrees or so) and I notice something new. I already uninstalled 1.2.0, so I can only compare to FC2 which is still present. To whit, FC2's view.lua: PlaneIndexByType = { [MiG_29] = PlaneIndex.iMiG_29, [su_27] = PlaneIndex.iSu_27, [su_33] = PlaneIndex.iSu_33, [F_15] = PlaneIndex.iF_15, [su_25] = PlaneIndex.iSu_25, [A_10] = PlaneIndex.iA_10, [MIG_29K] = PlaneIndex.iMiG_29K, [su_39] = PlaneIndex.iSu_39, [MiG_29G] = PlaneIndex.iMiG_29, [MiG_29C] = PlaneIndex.iMiG_29, [su_25T] = PlaneIndex.iSu_39, [KA_50] = PlaneIndex.iKA_50, I assume 29K was left over from Flanker 2.5. DCS 1.2.1's: PlaneIndexByType = -- indices in snap views table { [su_27] = 1, [su_33] = 2, [su_25] = 3, [su_25T] = 4, [su_39] = 4, [MiG_29] = 5, [MiG_29G] = 5, [MiG_29C] = 5, [MIG_29K] = 6, [A_10A] = 7, [F_15] = 8, [KA_50] = 9, [A_10C] = 11, [P_51D] = 12, [AB_212] = 9, Su-39 is just a variation of the 25T, so it's like MiG-29/29C there. Flyable AB212? The second helo in DCS?
  15. It's a big slow download. 5GB for DCSW + 350MB/each for BS2 and A-10C + 35 (oddly small) for CA beta 2. I don't have P-51.
  16. I usually do the "shoot in front of them and let them fly into your bullets" thing. Wastes a bit of ammo, but it's more effective.
  17. Yes, other than the F1 being a flyable I've not heard what else Expansion 3 is to feature. We know it's for SF2E (like Exp 2), but will it have new AI planes? SF2NA had several that he might throw in there (for non-owners of SF2NA), but that wouldn't do much for those of us who have it. Have things gotten to the point where "Expansion 3" will be no more than a DLC of a brand new plane + campaign for it/inclusion in older campaigns?
  18. Vegas Ticket Jockeys

    When in Vegas you walk inside the hotels. Oh, and the train. I got to see the Star Trek Experience a couple of times before they shut it down at least.
  19. And as far as A, that WOULD require a publisher and TK has shown as much interest in that as he has in running for President. Simply put, he wants more sales from what he's doing now, but he's not willing to do too much differently to generate those sales. The mobile idea is as "out of the box" as his thinking has gotten in years.
  20. OT: STALKER 2 Cancelled

    Yes, although the absurd popularity of Day Z has caught many an eye...
  21. The Command Center II

    LOL, in the 2nd pic the screen was so blown out that at first glance it looked like you put an aquarium on top of your pit!
  22. Yeah, sometimes I wonder if he suspected a beta tester of ripping off his models, hence his about-face and the whole locking down of files. Regardless of where that decision came from, things have not improved as a result.
  23. Yeah, really. TAKE IT OFF!! Egads, what am I saying?
  24. OT: STALKER 2 Cancelled

    Eh. This may or may not work. It won't be STALKER, it will be a copy. So you will have different factions, the whole Chernobyl thing is out in favor of a new McGuffin... I'm not saying it will fail, I'm just saying it's like as if the team that made the X-Wing games then went and made the Wing Commander games. Sure, it's similar, but it's not the original.
  25. Freakin' Hilraious!

    Anyone besides me catch his SNL appearance? http://www.nbc.com/s...eo/lids/1417085

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