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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. If only more people worldwide would realize this and stop buying into the propaganda being shoveled out by the media empires, both corporate and state-controlled, maybe something could actually be done to change it.


    As long as people are feeding off "us against them" when it's the wrong us and them, we are unable to alter course.

    • Like 1

  2. The crazy hair guy talking about aliens on the History Channel has more credibility than these guys.


    They think we're all chomping at the bit to get their stuff, but really we're all just laughing at them. A lot.

    • Like 4

  3. Clancy's books have always struggled with timelines. That's what happens when you make your main character President and do things like nuking the Super Bowl.


    Supposedly Reagan was President in the 80s (only referred to as "the President" in books of that period), but then Bush was not elected but rather the Dukakis stand-in Fowler. Then a ton of stuff happens and it's all over the place, except than in later books references back are made as if Clinton and W were elected as well.

    Despite engaging in a war with Japan and Iran+Iraq and China...9/11 still happens, the US still goes into Iraq and Afghanistan, and somehow THOSE are still more devastating than a nuke at the Super Bowl, and wars with three of the biggest powers on the planet...you just have to give it up and go with it. The books are roughly taking place around the time they're published with a couple of exceptions like Without Remorse, even though things like the F-22 being operational wasn't until years after the war with Japan would've occurred.

  4. Congrats! We married at 25, and that was 18 years ago next month. Never regretted it once.


    However, if you have any friction PLEASE do not assume getting married will make it "better". My sister did that, assumed that being married would suddenly fix their relationship...I think they split within 3 years? :bad:

    Marriage shouldn't change how you feel or behave towards each other, it should just be an affirmation of what already exists. If you're sure and ready, then you're sure and ready, simple as that. :grin:

  5. The end blows it.



    The test pilot explained that he has also flown 1980s-vintage F-15E fighter-bombers and found the F-35 to be “substantially inferior” to the older plane when it comes to managing energy in a close battle


    Really? The F-15E dogfights better? I don't think the F-15E dogfights better than an F-14, let alone a single engine plane that much smaller.

  6. Of course, self-preservation was only the Third Law in Asmiov's system, it could be trumped by human safety and human orders.


    However, the later books very much delved into the idea that robots were slaves and that in every known instance they became beholden to their slaves. The robots would make society static because it was the lowest-risk option.

    Asimov's Robot novels (Caves of Steel, The Naked Sun, Robots of Dawn, Robots and Empire) and Roger Allen's follow-on Caliban/Inferno/Utopia trilogy did an excellent job with this.


    I Robot is just a collection of short stories, some with the same Susan Calvin character (who was born in 1982 BTW :grin: ), but others were standalone. They did all deal with the robot theme, of course, and one of the stories in I Robot is even referenced in Robots of Dawn.



    As for this show, it looked like another take on the Cylons from the new BSG, but I have so many other shows I'm watching right now I can't take the time for it. If it lasts till a second season and gets good reviews then I might.

  7. No one has to fight Russia or China. They sell their products cheap to anyone who will take them, to the extent that many countries have more capable Fulcrums and Flankers than Russia itself has.

    I mean, the UAE has better F-16s then the US has! So we can easily see F-35s fighting PAK FAs or J-31s without the US or Russia or China actually in the fray.


    As for fighting a long conflict, why is that a necessary part of the equation? Why can't it be a fast high-intensity one, especially when territories are small, borders are close, and you can fly unrefueled from deep inside friendly territory to deep in enemy and back?


    The West is not capable, technically or politically, of creating a new combat airplane without manipulation and/or corruption taking center stage. The decks are stacked and the various bureaucracies and corporations and services are all deeply incestuous with people working under one banner on Friday and another on Monday. The only ones capable of preventing it will not because they personally benefit, either via kickbacks or even something as simple as jobs in their district.


    Cancel the F-35 and you will be replacing it with something MORE wasteful even if it might on paper be more capable, because everyone will see to it that their pockets and campaigns are appropriately stroked again for at least as much if not more.

  8. Well, the carrier is going to be the biggest return in a group of returns sailing in formation, something no tanker or cruise ship would do, so I don't see how you could mistake it.


    Also, this would likely be a brief spike that would then disappear, only lasting the duration of the shot. So it would be a recurrent but not steadily repeating signal that would certainly require triangulation to get a fix. I don't know if any range information could be determined other than "you're close enough to see it" or not.

    I think for now no one would know even to look for it or where to look for it ie what band.

  9. I've played all the FEAR games and expansions, the original is still the best. The FEAR 2 DLC Reborn was pretty good, as were the two FEAR expansions (even if the stories in them made little sense), but FEAR 3 was a lot like FEAR 2, except you could play it coop. Worst part--you finally saw what your character in FEAR looked like, and it was pretty much a member of Three Dog Night.


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