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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. Didn't they watch the Bill Gates Windows 98 video? You never show something off that new in public without the potential to get massive egg on your face!


    This was certainly a political decision--I'm sure the generals would've preferred to wait for the 2016 parade to show them off.

  2. Well, the physics is more force than just pushing them over the side by hand, you have to take their exit velocity into account as well. After all, a .357 bullet weighs very little but the kick is impressive. :grin:

    Still, those BBs were themselves rarely drifting, they were usually moving forwards with their own velocity, and there would be wind effects and current and blah blah blah. I'm sure there is some measurable motion from them, but without a precise setup to measure it that would NOT be effected by the blasts themselves it would be hard to quantify. I'm sure it's small compared to the ship's size, but if you were floating on the opposite side in the water in arm's reach you'd notice it come a little closer.

  3. I don't know how much time TK spends on mobile vs what he spent on PC or whatever, but when he said "MP would cost $150,000" or whatever, why didn't he make it a side project? SF2 came out SIX years ago. He couldn't make it work tinkering on it in his spare time over a period of greater than six years (figuring he would've started on it before SF2's first release) or he didn't want to?


    I think that's the real thing--what he wants to do. He may or may not have reasons he can communicate to us for why he does things, and I think he slaps some arbitrary giant money value on them sometimes just to avoid having to say "I really don't want to do MP because...I just don't want to."

  4. It's not a groundless fear, the Tejas program and the above mentioned Flanker issues illustrate it is still a current issue.


    I agree that their technical skills are up to par, but just because you have the body of an athlete doesn't mean you will be a successful one. You need to have the mindset as well. They have the pieces, they so far lack the management skills to bring it all together in a world-class way. I have a lot of Indian engineers in my company as well, but not as many managers. The foreign help they need isn't technical, it's more the culture of how a big aerospace business is run.


    The problem is you can point out to an engineer a better way to do something, or how something is wrong, and they instantly (if they're any good at all) recognize it and adopt it. However, they are often insular thinkers and need guidance to keep from going "too far down the rabbit hole" in their own areas and losing the bigger picture. In my experience, managers do NOT have that mentality and are only quick to accept credit and pass on blame. When you have a critical mass of management that isn't competent, the company falters, no matter how good the line workers are. There's a top-down problem of corruption and I think that's the root of their problem. When they get some good big-picture thinkers into enough management positions to both direct the company and have the respect of those below them (so that their commands are followed and everyone just doesn't do their own thing anyway), they will indeed be world class.

  5. I do have to wonder what TK pays himself. For instance, if as mentioned here he does 90%+ of the coding himself, and he says "to put in feature X will cost $100,000," and coding is all labor, what is he saying about length of time to make the feature? Does he mean it's going to take 2 years, or that for 9 months of work it will cost $100k? Um, you charge yourself too much, dude.


    I think TK should either officially dump SF2 and let us have at it, or state that he will be going to back it/is working on it at a low rate for an eventual new release. He said more than once "no SF3", so I don't think that will happen. He should have soldiered on with the new stuff he introduced for NA and got a return on that investment with more than just AI planes and skins.


    The fact is he spent a LONG time (and apparently a boatload of money because he doesn't let himself work for cheap! :blink: ) to make the new stuff for SF2:NA, and now he's just going to walk away from it? Like FC said about Toyota and the Prius, what if Toyota had just given up after the first gen came out? Sold the same model with nothing but cosmetic changes for a few years and then let it die out? Answer--big writedown for Toyota, that's what!


    As for why many other companies gave up sims--they're publicly traded. Investors want a certain level of profit, not just a profit. 777 wasn't public. ED isn't AFAIK. 1C is, but they're in Russia. MS is public, EA is public, Ubisoft is public, Activision is public, none are interested in low-rate-of-return sims because the investors have no patience. They want their super return on investment and they want it NOW. It's not enough for the rich to get richer, they need to get richer NOW.


    TK isn't publicly traded...or is he? Anyone here own stock in him? That could explain a lot...

  6. It seems the warranty issue should've been let go. If France was certain that the HAL-made jets were going to be problematic, why would they want to pay to fix them when it could easily eat up their profits, if not in the short term than certainly over the life of the plane?


    The insistence on "I want you to pay to fix anything I make if it breaks" is ridiculous. Now if Dassault picked a company in Japan or Korea or Italy or wherever else to build them and delivered them to India, then yes it would be incumbent on them to warranty that work...because THEY picked it. The customer insists on building them themselves, you know the work will not be as good and the planes will need more maintenance/spares/whatever, naturally you're not going to like it. My guess is Dassault wanted to raise the price for those HAL-made machines but India didn't want to pay.


    If India wants to get HAL to where Dassault is, they have to accept that the planes they make won't be to the same standard, at least in the beginning until they acquire those skills, and THEY will have to pay to fix it. They can't have it both ways, and cancelling the deal over it is ridiculous.

    Frankly, HAL has been around a long time with a lot of experience and it reflects poorly on them that their work standard is still considered too low.

  7. It's probably not Chrome, it's likely something you downloaded with it. Did you get Chrome direct from Google or from somewhere else?


    Go to your Programs and Features or Add/Remove Programs or whatever it's called in your version of Windows. Sort by date installed with newest on top. Look for what was installed on the same day you installed Chrome. Uninstall whatever you see there that is NOT Chrome or what you want.

  8. I don't have a pic of my 2003 4Runner, you can google one if you want. It's nothing to see, got a bunch of nicks in the hood and paint coming off the grill, interior isn't as good as it once was, but overall still in good shape for 95k miles and 12 years.


    My wife's 2013 Highlander looks nicer, but it's still pretty bland. :grin:


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