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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. Conviction was like GRAW or R6 Vegas. The series was retooled to be very different. If you accept that, and play them for what they are, Conviction and Blacklist are entertaining "modern" stealth shooters--by which I mean it's expected that at some points you go guns-a-blazing because stealth WILL fail.

    DA was still in the "classic" stealth shooter model, but it was ruined with the dumb hub and the mine-making minigame and a ton of technical problems that none of the other games in the series ever had. I liked the first mission, it felt like Chaos Theory...then they threw it out the window and it became wrong.

  2. The problem I've always had with the training "kills" is if you don't have a definitive instant system, it breaks the whole thing down.


    So the attacker gets a "kill" on the defender, but then in debrief it's reversed and the defender escaped. Ok, fine, but then that means the fight should've continued and perhaps the defender would've shot down the attacker, or maybe the attacker would've persevered anyway. By calling it off once a potential kill is scored, you arbitrarily end the fight at that point. 

  3. SC: Double Agent--without question the worst SC game they made. Yeah, it's still "classic" SC as opposed to the rebooted gameplay of Conviction and Blacklist, but they were still better games than DA.


    SC:DA is the Rainbow 6: Lockdown of the SC series--they made enough small changes to the original formula to trash it and validate the total overhaul of R6 Vegas and the last 2 SC games. :sad:


    The best is still Chaos Theory followed by the original. I never played Pandora's, and oddly it's the only one not on Steam. Heard it was the weakest of the original 3, though...until DA claimed that crown. DA was the Kingdom the Crystal Skull unseating The Temple of Doom for weakest entrant in the series. :wink:


    Did I mention how much I was disappointed in SC:DA yet?

  4. He took too long for NA. SF2--2009, SF2NA--2012? Way too long.


    The reason for TK's SF2 failure can be summed up in 2 letters: TK.

    He does things his way even when they're not working. He heard what we wanted and came up with umpteen reasons why they couldn't be done. The removal of MP was a major mistake. The fact that MP for SF1 still works means he could've just kept it. It was damned limited but it worked.

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  5. I just finished Far Cry 4 and its DLC.

    I'm playing Borderlands The Pre-Sequel thru for the 2nd time, now with the Enforcer (first time I was the Claptrap).

    I'm flying DCS and ROF, with an occasional bout of BOS.

    I'm racing Assetto Corsa and F1 2014.

    I'm also playing Company of Heroes 2 and Total War: Rome 2 in coop MP.


    I'm about to start Alien Isolation and I picked up the Talos Effect on Steam sale this weekend...by the makers of Serious Sam, it's a bit like Portal meets Myst meets Serious Sam. A thinking FPS game without the frantic action.

  6. Damn it. Jug was a genuine Good Guy. Not a mean bone in his body, and he deserved many more years. A real blow.


    I just looked and he was last here on March 8th. I was wondering as I'd not seen him in awhile... :sad:

  7. Also on DCS' site there is a section where people make and upload their own files, and missions are one of those types. There are lots of WWII plane missions there.


    The lack of era-specific ground targets is a weakness, but it is expected to be remedied with the release of the Normandy map. For now, you can learn how to fly and fight the plane in a pseudo-training environment and then when the map comes out you can be ready to go. :grin:

  8. Actions are no longer important, only who does them.


    No matter what happens, if it's done by someone you don't like, you spin it as bad. If it's done by someone you like, it gets spun as good. Whether it's interrogation or torture depends solely on who ordered it.


    This is what the introduction of formally biased media, with the idea of unbiased journalism unceremoniously dumped on its ass, has done for the world. If the guy on the other side does exactly what you would have done, you slam him for doing it for the wrong reason. Or you slam him for doing it too soon, or too late, or in not the 100% exact way you would've done it.


    Under NO circumstances can you say or even imply that you agree, EVER, with what was done.

    • Like 1

  9. Doesn't the air boss give clearance to move into position and such? If he gave that thinking it was up, his fault. If the pilot moved there anticipating it, his fault. If the pilot on the cat throttled up too soon, his fault.


    Without the full accident report, it's just supposition.

  10. I had a friend who flew SF1 coop MP with me. We even did the full NATO Fighters dance (he's not very keen on modding that is more than one-click .exe installers) to get it working right.


    Unfortunately, the limits on it (only 4 types of planes, always 4 of each of them, always 2 types per side, and no non-flyables) prevented us from playing it too much. I was very hopeful SF2 would broaden that...instead it got yanked.


    I still think TK dragged his feet and deliberately said it would cost more to put it in than it would have just because he didn't want to. Besides, here's the big question--$100,000 to WHO? I thought he did all this stuff himself, didn't he, aside from some art? So the money figure is meaningless. What he SHOULD have said was how long it would take him to do it if he worked on it exclusively. Would it be 4 months? 6? 12? With the understanding that he'd not be making any other new content or patching bugs or whatever during that period, just how long would it take? For my money, if it was under 6 months he should've gone for it because the return would've been worth it. If it was over 12 months, then I agree it was out of the question. If it was 6-12 then I would say he should not work it exclusively and instead do it part-time, such as if it would take 9 months full-time then take 18 to do it part time.


    Incidentally, an 18 month development started after the release of SF2: NA would've come out 18 months ago! :grin:


    Bottom line is TK couldn't be bothered to do it, he didn't want to because it wasn't a 2-day hack job which was apparently as much time as he felt willing to put into it. I wish he'd just unload the source code so someone could at a minimum port the SF1 MP into SF2 (or more likely re-enable it as the bones of it are still there, it would've been more work than it was worth to actually strip it all out) or even go and make a more fully-featured one. Sure, no dedicated server means smaller numbers of people per flight than the sims that have them do, but who cares? 8 people flying coop SF2 against a few dozen AI planes would've ROCKED. :sad:

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