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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. It's quite possible disabling was a side effect of their investigation. Likewise I've heard stories of deactivated ones going active during such an encounter, so it works both ways.


    However, consider this possiblity: what if they're not aliens, just people...from the future? If in 50 years the planet is devastated by a nuclear war, it's conceivable that hundreds of years later man could develop the ability to travel thru time and start making trips to see what they might to do avert that disaster aka the Terminator premise or the 4400. If they know the day a nuclear war happens, they could arrive the day before and disable them all and prevent the disaster. Coming from a post-holocaust future they've lost lots of the records from the era, especially the classified military stuff that would give them details on how the nukes work, requiring that they first visit numerous military bases looking for the nukes and then run tests to see how their arming/disarming works. For all we know they've been in contact with the upper echelons where they've told their story to disbelieving generals and presidents.


    Sounds SF? Sure it does, but telling someone during the Civil War that man would walk on the moon while under a President from Texas while the whole world watches it lives on TV would be even more farfetched, and that was just 100 years.

  2. I don't know how it will go for the A-10, but I personally found that only 2 levels of flight modeling for the Ka-50 was overly restrictive. The full-real mode has a VERY steep learning curve, but the easy was too easy to handle. My main issue with it was you could point the nose 90 degrees down or up and the altitude wouldn't change at all, the collective would set an altitude that no maneuvering would change. While it made it easy not to crash, it was so counterintuitive I couldn't take it! :grin: I wished there was an "intermediate" option. In the end, I just committed to learning the full real mode. Avoiding vortex ring state is tough at times and I've lost a few helos to it!

    The A-10 being fixed wing the easy FM might work better.

  3. I watched the first 3/4 or so of MWC's run, it was one of my favorite sitcoms because it broke all the conventions of the time. It paved the way for many later shows, because prior to that you generally got "sappy" sitcoms and only a few could pull that off without being lame. I will say, though, that Fawlty Towers did it 15 yrs earlier but simply failed to break those conventions.

  4. They've said there will be. I've not acquired the beta, so I can't say for certain.


    I will say this, though--DCS is harder than Lockon was. A LOT harder and far steeper learning curves. I'd recommend Flaming Cliffs 2 as an intro to what DCS will be like, since it's both cheaper and easier than DCS (albeit harder than the LOMAC 1.0 release from years ago). You need to invest a lot of time, though. Landing in LOMAC is far easier than in DCS. The only plane I ever mess up on landing in LOMAC is the Su-25/T from Flaming Cliffs because of the advanced flight model. The other planes have a standard, simplified one that means you can make MISERABLE approaches and land successfully. I mean, I've taken that A-10A on a steep dive and touched down at the center of the runway, but off center-line, not properly lined off, and come to a nice rollout onto a taxiway with battle damage! In DCS, you'd be dead on impact. :grin:

  5. When I say "officially" I meant "possible routes bandied about by people in ED or TFC online as hypotheticals." The fact that they brought up those specifically meant to me there were seen as feasible products. The ones Gwyno mentioned were NOT and therefore I doubt their probability is in the double digits. :grin:


    I flew F-22s in games in the 90s and they were pretty fair about it. You know it can supercruise over M1.5, it has powerful engines with TVC, it's hard to see on radar but IR missiles still have a chance, agile, and has a LPI radar and datalink that lets it see enemies and fire on them before they see the F-22 and fire back. The cockpit is all glass, so whether or not the symbology and pages were accurate wasn't really that important as I've heard they can be customized by the pilot to some extent anyway, it's just software. I don't anticipate seeing the F-22 in DCS as a flyable (although perhaps as an AI like in Falcon), but I thought iF-22 was a very good sim from about 12 years back.


    No, my guess is DCS will have 4th gen fighters and equivalent attack, transports, and helos. I think 3rd gen and earlier will be left to TK and others.

  6. There's a cultural tendency to believe that if they build it, it's better than when foreign-produced, even when it's not. Also, the whole issue with IP not being respected seems to be based on a similar attitude, sort of "there's no idea we can't make better, so we don't need to pay for it". They've sort of made lying to oneself an institution.

  7. I think Calais/Normandy is the closest map to that area, don't think I've seen a mod for the UK area itself.


    I'm sure the stutters are the video RAM choking on the textures. You're either going to have to lower the landscape detail or turn off the FSAA (which uses more video RAM) I think. I'd try lowering the detail first as I personally find little extra value in perfect over excellent anyway and the game really does need FSAA!

  8. Always install the oldest OS first. As for partitioning, well, with 2 OS my personal preference is 3 partitions--one for each OS and the final for the data/programs. You will of course have to install most programs twice, but if you install them to the same place (overwriting the first install with the 2nd) you'll be unable to uninstall in both OS, just whichever you installed last, so it's not generally recommended.


    If you got the 1TB drive, I think I'd feel safe with pretty much any split. As long as the partition is 200GB you're good for most situations. Some people swear by more or less, but you've got room to spare.



  9. His was one of the last sitcoms I watched on TV, I think That 70s Show was the actual final one. The only 30 min comedies I watch now are animated.


    Stacy Keach was very good as his father.

  10. Sunshine Superman was the title, but never sang in the song, only separately with "sunshine" in the first verse and "superman" in the last. It was one of those songs like The Beatles' "Something" that didn't have a real chorus, it was instead the guitar riff.

    The first verse is something like "sunshine came softly through my a-window today

    Could've tripped out easy a-but I've a-changed my ways

    It'll take time, I know it but in a while

    You're gonna be mine, I know it, we'll do it in style

    'Cause I made my mind up you're going to be mine"


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