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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. Yes, while walkthrus can often give hints that let you get thru a difficult section without cheat codes (although I consider such a narrow way a failure by the devs to design properly), I've also used cheat codes in the past for games with particularly ridiculous difficulty. Basically if I get killed trying to do something 5 times in a row and get no closer to success than I did the first time, I'm looking for a cheat of some kind to get past it, after which I will turn the cheat off.

    I used to enjoy doing things like play on max difficulty with cheats on after I beat a game for extra fun, but that no longer works because devs make games differently now. Generally speaking, increased difficulty in current games decreases your weapon effectiveness while it increases the enemies'. It doesn't make them smarter, it doesn't make more to fight (because they consider how many you fight part of the "level design" now or something), it just means they can kill you with 3 shots instead of 6 and it takes you 6 shots to kill them instead of 3. Turning on god mode on max difficulty becomes pointless, as it just means all the guys take more hits to go down, that's it.

    The recent Wolfenstein had a fun built-in cheat system that unlocked after winning the game. You could play again with all the weapons at max upgrades from the start of the game, have infinite money, and/or max out the supernatural powers you get thru the game. Basically you can start the game with everything maxed out the way it was when you reached the end. No god mode or unlimited ammo, though.


    So, if I've beaten a game I've no qualms about using cheats the next time round just to experiment, or I'll use them if the game is stupidly difficult.

  2. Well, to be honest other than tesselation and a couple of other things, there's little DX11 has that DX9 didn't. The difference was always efficiency--things would be seen in a DX10/11 title that weren't in DX9 because it would hit the performance too much. However, the Xbox 360 runs basically on DX9, so there's no reason careful programming and choosing of effects can't render almost "DX11-like" effects with just DX9.


    Frankly, A-10 has been delayed enough that I'm glad they're not waiting to get DX11 in to release it. A-10 was originally announced as being 9 months after BS. The 2-yr anniversary of BS is almost here! Granted we got the unexpected FC2 in there...

  3. I had all 4 removed at once in college by my regular dentist. They were in, but my mouth wasn't big enough for all those teeth, there was some serious crowding, so they had to go. Unfortunately for both me and him, my roots were deep and he had a hard time getting them all out. He was gripping so hard that a couple of them shattered before he could get them to budge. Never had any pain, though, aside from the initial needle stinging a bit. I had no painkillers but regular Tylenol that my mom gave me I think.

    Only thing that sucked was one of the clots in the upper sockets fell out that night. Grossed me out so much I almost puked, which would've been very bad with 4 open holes in my jaws!

  4. Don't forget the patch for BS to bring it inline with A-10 should back-port most of those upgrades.

    For DX11 right now either the Radeon 5850 or the GTX 460 are the best bets. I bought a 5850 but that was before the 460s were out. If I did it again I might have bought the cheaper-but-about-the-same-speed 460.

  5. I can't imagine why not. Unlike a helo, you can likely mostly ignore the rudders and throttle in the A-10 during most flight regimes and focus on pitch and roll.

    As far as I can tell, A-10C is going to be a separate game, just like FC2 was, based on the same code base. The integration with BS will solely be on the MP side, allowing for joint flights. Realistically, you'd never be jumping from a Ka-50 to an A-10 or vice versa, so what's the big deal about just exiting one game and loading the other anyway...

    However, apparently while there will be a (mega) patch for BS to bring it up to code-compatability with A-10C, FC2 will not be getting that breaking its MP ability with BS that it currently enjoys.


    This will leave you with 3 choices:

    Upgrade BS to the A-10 level and forego FC2/BS MP (there will never be A-10C/FC2 MP)

    Forego patching BS to maintain the FC2/BS ability and forget joint A-10C MP

    Duplicate your BS install, one patched and one not, to let you get both

  6. Which interdimensional aliens were they fighting in Kelly's Heroes?? :dntknw:


    I read a recent interview with Valve and they seem to be in no hurry to make a Half Life film, but it's still on their to-do list. The Doom film has to be a warning sign, and the fact that MS can't get a Halo film made...

  7. There were several improvements from the 3 to the 4 in addition to the expanded FOV, which the 5 again adds over the 4. The "Vector" upgrade that had to be purchased separately for the TIR3 came standard with the 4, plus the unit was so much smaller. I never used a TIR3, but I know someone who has one. They still use it, they bought it used from someone who'd upgraded to the 4.

    Another nice thing about it--unlike a mouse, keyboard, HOTAS, or most any peripheral, other than plugging it in and setting it on the monitor there's no moving parts! Your unit just won't wear out from heavy use like a HOTAS can,


    I'd earlier just written off upgrading to the 5 as a "don't need to" item, now it's moved into the "wish list".

  8. I also heard some snippets, but quickly forgot about it. Il-2's engine was designed for low-alt slow-speed prop combat. While it's been adapted to the use of high-alt bombers and early jets, it always struck me as...

    Well, it's like flying a helo in SF. You can do it, but it doesn't feel right like a purpose-designed helo FM should.


    The YP-80 and Ta-183 are close in general regards to the Korean War jets and I've just never been thrilled with them or fighting at high speeds and altitudes. I'm far more interested in SF's version, where on the flipside prop combat has always left me a bit cold (excluding FE where the WWI crates work great), whether with the P-51, A-1, or the many mods out there.


    TK built a jet sim with some props thrown in. Oleg built a prop sim with some jets thrown in.


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