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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. My wife had flown up to RI the night of the 10th for a days-long training course at her company. I was at work (a crappy place I left only a few weeks later) and we had no internet or TV, so our news was all based on people calling in. The first plane was reported as an "oh wow, can't believe that", but as soon as the 2nd plane hit everything changed. I remember the rumors running around that morning after the reports that the Pentagon had been hit and 93 crashed in PA. I heard that both the Capitol bldg and the White House had been hit among other things.

    After the 2nd plane, I got on the phone to my wife in RI and we agreed she needed to come home. Her father, who was not yet retired as the head of EMT in Broward County, had called her and told her the airports would be shut down soon and there would be no flights back for who knows how long, so she convinced the people in her class who lived down the east coast to rent a car with her and drive back. They got the LAST car from the rental place. She told me she saw the smoke from the south end of the island as they drove thru NY. She had to take a train back from TN to FL since the guy who rented the car had to drive further west, and I was very anxious until she got home.

  2. I admit Sinead O'Connor's singing voice isn't too bad.


    Bjork was only big in the US in the 90s during the alternative music period, so I guess predates eraser's time (damn I feel old). Human Behavior and Big Time Sensuality were pretty big here, and in Tank Girl she contributed the Army of Me track.


    I miss alternative, it was an era when there was genuinely inventive stuff getting radio time. None of this over-engineered crap you get today or had from the hair bands in the 80s.

    Groups like Primus with their classics My Name is Mud and Wynona's Big Brown Beaver, who today is probably only really remembered as the group that wrote the South Park theme. At least that still gets broadcast weekly!

  3. I got it for $15 and like it well enough. It's not over-the-top like Ace Combat, but it's...well, I'd say it's like a TW sim with everything on easy except the enemy AI. That's roughly what the flying is like. The game itself plays different, though, with highly scripted missions.


    For $8, you will easily get your money's worth.

  4. I enjoyed playing SWAT 4 quite a bit. It's a totally different mindset to try and arrest them instead of just shoot them dead. Of course, the game was overly restrictive on ROE, and pretty much the guy had to shoot at you first before you were allowed to shoot him or it was "unjustified."

  5. Funny a B-1B was used in the pic as I was just imagining TF flight into a windmill farm could ruin their day PDQ. Anyway, helo rotor blades cause the same thing on radars, but they're usually edge-on and not perpendicular to the radars so it's less of an issue.

  6. A Merc expansion is cool because there's no limits on which planes can be included other than the dates it covers. The Mits F-1 he mentioned is an excellent example because in real life it's never flown in combat or been off Japanese territory, but that's no reason not to put it in a merc game.


    Anyway, I'm glad to see there is a Korean game planned for the long term, I've only been waiting for it since WOV came out, I'm just worried when that will be! Perhaps he'll release it in '12 for SF's 10th anniversary?

  7. I don't know if "ground breaking" is appropriate, but it's more than just buying a car with a nicer stereo and leather seats.

    It does everything TIR 4 did, but better. In some areas you might not necessarily notice, but in others you will. My gut says if you have a TIR3 or older you'd be thrilled with an upgrade, if you don't have one at all you should pick it up, and only those who have a TIR 4 may sit on the fence.

  8. In pretty much every way DCS is the successor to what the Falcon 4 Battlefield Series was going to be. If F4 isn't your cup of tea, I'm afraid these may be as well.


    However, if you don't mind things a bit more complicated than SF, I can recommend Lockon Platinum aka Flaming Cliffs 2. It has the A-10A and is only slightly more complex than flying the A-10 in SF2 (ie you have to move the tracking cursor and lock the Mavericks on yourself and not just hit "E" and press fire). It also has the Su-25, 25T, 27, 33, F-15, MiG-29A, and 29G.

  9. Well, the F-4 was a big step up from the P-51 in speed and capability, so who wouldn't want to upgrade? However, the F-22 makes the F-4 look like garbage, so there you go.


    It's not that there's anything wrong with TIR 4, the 5 is just more precise. We're doing a review here and you'll see soon what they mean.

  10. This is no different than Target or Walmart declining to sell certain types of magazines or DVDs. You can get them elsewhere, you're allowed to, they just do not sell them in that place.

    The BX isn't a commercial company anyway. There are lots of things they don't carry, this will just be another. Will it hurt their sales? Likely not that much. It won't affect those living in the US, only those abroad, and they can always ask for people at home to buy one and mail it to them. It makes a slight inconvenience, nothing more.


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