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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. I remember one of the ones that hit in 2005 they did one of their stupid "send a reporter to stand in the high winds and driving rains to tell people not to go out in the driving rains and winds" bits with a woman who couldn't have been over 5' and 100lbs. She was literally holding on to a street sign with both arms, holding the mike with a free hand and keeping her head down as the 80+ mph winds blew around her. The news anchors back at the studio both said "uh, maybe you should get indoors or under some shelter" because it was obvious this woman was about 10 seconds away from turning into a human kite. Makes you wonder what kind of idiot her producer was if the ANCHORS could see she was in danger.

  2. I wonder if Have Blue only flew at night, never during the day. Maybe there is only footage of it during the day in hangars, never in flight, so there's no flight footage to see.

    The camo scheme the F-117 had was optimized for daylight over desert (for these tests I guess), the operational scheme it had was for night use (as it was used most of its career).

  3. No, they have plenty of airspace where no one would see. Back then there were areas you could see the runway from, but judging by the low sun angles in some shots, I'm guessing this was an early morning flight. They probably took off just before sunrise, then on landing taxi'd fast to the hangar.

    I wonder why they took so long to show this as it's nothing more than a plane we've seen for over 20 years flying with its gear (mostly) down. The only difference is the paint scheme.

    I'd like to see more of the prototype with the tail fins the other way.

  4. Considering I was playing FPS games before gamepads were invented or they were on consoles, it feels perfectly natural to me! I just don't see how you can aim properly without aim assist (which is unnecessary with a mouse). The entire range of motion on a gamepad is represented by a thumbstick with a fixed range of motion of less than 1". You can move a mouse as much or as little as you want and adjust the sensitivity on the fly.

    While I admit the left stick is a little easier than WASD on a keyboard, as soon as I start hitting the other keys (like running and jumping at the same time) the gamepad becomes more "thinking" about it while on the kb I just do it.

  5. Arma2 does have UH-1Y and AH-1Z.


    I also haven't spent much time with the planes, but I like the helos. In fact, there's that AH-64 campaign that came out with the 1.05 patch I've yet to try.


    Oh, if you want to fly Cobras and Apaches in a more sim-like environment, try EECH with the latest mods from arneh. EECH is on gog.com I think pretty cheap, and the mods add a TON of stuff.

  6. There is an adjustment period. I love it for flight sims, but I've still not gotten used to it for racing or Arma (both of which support it). My laps are too easily messed up with it on in Race and in Arma I wind up having problems looking down the sight if my head isn't just right. For sims like Black Shark, Il-2, SF2, FE2...it's a necessity!

  7. No mouse/kb support for Xbox, no. It has been proven to many people's satisfaction that people using them will beat the gamepad players every time from playing cross-platform titles like Shadowgrounds.


    That's why I don't have any FPS games like CoD for my 360, just 3rd person stuff, racing (with my wheel), and flying...although I admit I find flying with the gamepad hard.

  8. The upgraded Rafale engines are in development, but the lack of French military interest combined with the dearth of export sales has put it on a slow development track.

    However, that further hurts export prospects as whoever decides to buy the plane with that engine in effect becomes the launch customer and then has to deal with all those headaches that normally the developing country would work out first like reliability, performance, and availability.


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