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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. Well, I'd say that's a great system aside from the 5830. I don't know how much more a 5850 would cost you or alternatively an nvidia GTX 460, but either of those would greatly outperform a 5830 which is the obvious bottleneck here.

    Frankly 6GB of RAM is overkill for today, but it's a great expansion idea for later. I have 4GB on my home PC (just about 3.5GB usable thanks to 32-bit) and I never run out, while I did when I had 2GB.

    If you could take the extra £ 57 for the 2nd batch of 3GB and apply it to the £ 153 you're spending on the 5830, maybe you could get a 5850 or 460? No idea what they run over there, but £ 210 should get you closer.


    Don't forget to install Win 7 in 64-bit mode or you're stuck with only 4GB of RAM usable regardless of how much you buy and install! If you plan on only running 32-bit, then the extra 3GB of RAM is totally wasted anyway.

  2. So, everyone here that has qualified on an M-16 or other service rifle...you don't feel that the mouse and keyboard and/or gamepad are a fitting training tool for using an actual weapon? You don't think that one easily equates to the other, and if you're an ace shot in CoD you must obviously be sniper-level material in reality?




    I've known some people that are unable to fight for "the bad guys" in games, notably unable to fly as Japanese in WWII sims because they have some deep-seated hatred that literally predates them and comes from their parents (never grandparents, interestingly). It always struck me as missing the spirit of the sim, which is to play a game!

  3. Funny, I don't like McDonald's myself. I'm a Burger King guy. Or Wendy's. Or Checkers. Or Arby's. Or Hardee's. Or Sonic's.


    Actually, most anything except Taco Bell, KFC, Long John Silver's, or McD's. Because as low as they are, I do have standards. :grin:

  4. Yeah, every once in awhile you'll get a transmission like that in Falcon. In the over 11 years I've played F4 (on and off admittedly) I've only heard Foxtrot Uniform maybe half a dozen times.


    Which Falcon was it, 3 or 4, that had Kilo Mike Alpha?

  5. They do every single day. Little things like "facts" or "actions" will never change the minds of some people. They have their opinions and nothing anyone can say or do will make them think otherwise.


    Despite the fact that his lack of participation in routine Muslim rituals like praying to Mecca means no real Muslim would think of him as one, the fear-mongers insist that he is because it means they can hate him for keeping it a secret. Why they care is beyond me, it's not like his actions would be better or worse if he was a different religion...it's what he's doing that should be people's focus, what he believes is irrelevant.

  6. I've got no problem with a game where MP extends the experience. I also understand the appeal of MP-only games, or those that might as well be, like CoD:MW or Battlefield or TF2.


    The problem is too few games that focus on the SP side are being made now that aren't RPGs. Even there, the one RPG I WANT to see, KOTOR 3, is instead being made an MMO. :blink:

  7. I don't recall any Brits in the original Transformers except for Wreck-Gar, and he wasn't G1 anyway. The voices weren't the same, but they were good enough considering how little they said. Other than Prime and Megatron most lines went to new characters. Considering how little screentime any of them had that wasn't fighting, as opposed to the cartoons that spent all their time with them (because in animation it's the same cost to do robots or people while in a live action film the robots cost big $$ every shot you see) it doesn't surprise me you don't see much characterization.

    As for Starscream aka Cobra Commander, the actor, Chris Latta, died over 15 years ago. I just don't know who else could've done that voice. The guy who does it now, including in the films, was actually in the original GI Joe as well, playing Low Light, and in the original Transformers, playing Silverbolt, so at least he has some pedigree.

  8. The problem with the AMD is that while 6 cores sounds great, only the very latest programs can take advantage of that and I'm pretty sure SF2 isn't one of them.


    The 930 is certainly the better CPU, but keep in mind you have to get a pricier mobo and buy 3 sticks of RAM vs 2 for it. You can spec out the rest of the system ala carte, but the RAM/CPU/mobo trio is closely linked and you have to price the 3 together.


    You may want to consider the core i7-870/875 instead. Similar price and performance but only LGA 1166 and the mobo is cheaper and you only need 2 sticks of RAM (dual vs triple channel).

  9. Well, that's the problem with making modern military weapons systems, they cost a ton of money. While it's rarely outside the capablities of a modern nation to make them, it's often outside their finances, so they sell them abroad to help pay for it. France merely has the reputation of selling the most because it goes it alone more often on systems, as opposed to international collaboration to spread out costs, when it probably didn't need to. That's because it's more about domestic technology R&D and production than the final product the military gets most of the time.

    Let's face it, the Rafale has been Dassault's Windows Vista when it comes to sales compared to the Mirage 2000's Windows XP.


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