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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. While this may sound nonsensical, it's not. Read the reviews of this $2500 Ethernet cable (yes, $2500) from Denon on Amazon.




    I dare you not to laugh at these! I don't know how this happened, but it's brilliant. Don't forget to check all the pictures in the product description, where someone apparently used the cable on a Gravity Gun from HL2.


    Review samples:

    Transmission of music data at rates faster than the speed of light seemed convenient, until I realized I was hearing the music before I actually wanted to play it. Apparently Denon forgot how accustomed most of us are to unidirectional time and the general laws of physics. I tried to get used to this effect but hearing songs play before I even realized I was in the mood for them just really screwed up my preconceptions of choice and free will. I'm still having a major existential hangover.


    Would not purchase again.


    As a cable it is without peer. Flux measurements at the terminus indicate a 5 by 5 Higgs Boson toroidal equivilence at a 570-degree rotation!

    The parallel interspace coiling does result in a break-in period that measures close to 70,000 hours, but adjusting your frame-decoupling VMDRW box to the negative Kardza-Chu mode can reduce the time significantly.

    Negatives expressed about this cable in other reviews are the result of failure to appreciate transcendence and purity of being that is rare in the cabling industry.


    (As a post-script, I have noticed a "muddiness" in piano music between 9500 and 11200 hz.)

  2. You know, I'm sorry, but while I've always liked the standard Herc, the stretched models have always appeared "wrong" to me. It's like they didn't follow the directions properly when putting it together!

    Most other planes' stretched variants don't bother me, like the Bear, the Starlifter, 747s, etc. Just the Herc seems flawed when elongated.

  3. Didn't FE2 just come out the beginning of this year? It's a little premature to be thinking of a sequel. This gen 2 engine is pretty new. TK just finished rereleasing all the old gen 1 titles on it and now he's finally moved on to new things. I can't imagine when we'll see a gen 3 engine, but it won't be before 2012.

  4. Historically every BIS product has slow framerates on release and gets faster with patches, there usually being one "wow" patch that causes a significant increase like 6-12 months after. I've no doubt this will follow that pattern.


    Calling it Arma2 and also standalone expansion leads you to think it's just Arma2 with different terrain and units, and while it is, it's also more. It's not as big a jump over Arma2 as that was over Arma1, but while Arma2 is now on 1.07, OA is 1.52, so you can see there's some big changes under the surface.

  5. Because they're building it, it's that simple. This is another glorified high tech public works program for them, the engine decision proved that. They're replacing C-130s and C.160s (which are smaller than C-130s) with something bigger. They could've bought C-17s, but no...they don't need something that big. They could've bought C-130Js but no...they don't need something that small.

    They NOW need something EXACTLY the size of the A400M and they're willing to spend billions more than C-17s and C-130Js alone would cost to get it.

  6. I have it, but have only 10 mins or so in it so far. From what I can tell, they've added some graphical effects like a haze or some other kind of shaders and it has lowered the framerates a bit.

    Haven't played the campaign, so I can't say about that, but the units seem to be the ones from Arma 1 updated to arma 2 levels on first impression. Can't say about the missions yet either, again, just 10 mins!

  7. Like the article says, this is a ploy. We have 20 B-2s and a REALLY old fleet of B-52s that can't do it all. The B-1 is the CAS workhorse of Afghanistan, loitering for hours with the ability to drop a few bombs here and there.

    In short, unlike the B-2 and B-52, it's getting a LOT of use right now. This is purely because the replacement was cancelled.


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