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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. I think since OFF is the only full-featured WWI sim still in development right now (ie current) that it's natural to compare the two.

    The CFS3 vs Il-2 threads from years back got to be dizzying, as did the F4 vs Flanker/LOMAC ones.

    However, I have NEVER understood those who seem to think it's an either/or situation. You can have both, you can play both. The idea that one precludes the other is ludicrous.

    OFF's limitations are known and obvious thanks to the CFS3 code base...it will never be the best-looking sim around. ROF's are different and obviously stem from the need to have had more money than they did for development...also likely unavoidable thanks to the niche nature of WWI flight sims.

  2. I once saw a sign at the Genius bar of The Falls, Miami Apple Store that warned customers not to Jailbreak iPhones or they would void their warranties.


    LOL! I know The Falls! I was just talking to someone who still lives in Miami the other day asking if that mall was still around. I bought F-19 at the EB there (which is long gone) in 1989 for $70!

  3. Tell her it's fine if she brings her husband to you and HE tells you it's fine because he likes sheep or whatever. Otherwise, that's a minefield with legs!

  4. What's so special about the Jane's Fighters series? Um everything. Jedi, you're forgetting the epic Fighters Anthology which had everything from USNF onwards in a single package. It took until SF2 with everything merged to match that level of epic simming again.





    No I didn't.


    Later came Jane's Fighter Anthology, which was bascially USNF 97 with all the planes and theaters from the previous games added into it.

  5. The biggest films of the past few years, Avatar and The Dark Knight, were well over 2 hours long.

    Of course, when films are shown with commercials they often get edited down so they'll fit. Remember in 2 hrs of TV they need to show 30 mins of commercials (watch any 2 hr TV movie or show on DVD and it's 90 mins).

    However, the director's cut of ST:TMP wasn't really any longer than the original because of editing. They shortened a couple of the more sedate scenes and the new stuff was largely replacement visual effects which didn't change the running time at all. Only a couple of scenes were added. It just seemed to be a better film, though, like the extended version of the Abyss.

  6. Jane's Attack Squadron was an abomination that didn't deserve the name and was rightfully the final release. A real shame.

    Don't forget the 688i and Fleet Command naval sims that SCS did for them before making their own Dangerous Waters...and then giving up the biz.

  7. Well, "Jane's Fighters" was never a game title. There were several games named similar to that, so I'm not sure which it refers to.


    The first was Navy Fighters. Then came the add-on USMC Fighters. The 2nd full game was ATF I think, with NATO Fighters being the add-on...might have been the other way around, I don't remember. Those were all pre-Win95 versions of the game, ran in DOS. Then came USNF '97 which was a Win95-compatible remake of USNF with the addition of Vietnam, having F4s and MiG-21s. Later came Jane's Fighter Anthology, which was bascially USNF 97 with all the planes and theaters from the previous games added into it.

    Then came Jane's Israeli Air Force, later USAF Fighters and WWII Fighters.



  8. Bah, I'm nothing in the annals of ST fandom. I don't own any of the seasons of TNG, DS9, Voyager, or Enterprise! In fact, I've been renting and rewatching those series for what is in most cases only my 2nd time seeing them ever after their original airing 10, 15, or 20 years ago!





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