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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. It's easy to tell which F-15 SE, macelena. If everything was featureless and enemy planes were wireframe triangles, it was F-15SE1. If it had VGA graphics (used F-19's engine), featured the Iran and Iraq theaters (corresponding to Desert Storm), and had a simplified damage model where every hit you took would ONLY take out engine thrust, no loss of radar or weapons or HUD, it was F-15SE 2. If it had coop MP that let you fly either front seat/back seat or 2 planes and was actually fairly realistic for its time, sort of like LOMAC, 2nd only to the Falcon series, it was F-15 SE 3.

    Jane's F-15 was more or less F-15 SE4 as it was the same team working for Origin/EA instead of MPS. I loved it, but the elimination of coop MP and only stupid H2H was disappointing. That said, it was the flight sim that convinced me to trade in my Voodoo 1 for a Voodoo 2 as it REALLY improved the fps.

  2. I could've voted for more than 1, but I decided to pick the one I spent the most time with, F-19.

    I don't know if it was the greatest, because it had a LOT of shortcomings that later sims were able to avoid or do better on. I may not have spent the most time overall on it because I only played it from 1989-1992 or so when the dated graphics and simplified realism made it obsolete. It also didn't have MP, which some of my best simming moments have occurred during. However, I will say that in those 3 years I played it I spent more time with it than any other sim in its first 3 years of ownership! I also have very few negative memories associated with it. There were shortcomings, but nothing that made you want to throw the computer across the room (I'm looking at you Falcon 3!!)

  3. I think for me it was the WWI mode in sublogic's FS2. F-15 Strike Eagle came after that.

    The first PC sim I got was MPS' Gunship, with its polygonal mountains! The other helos were still wireframe triangles like F-15 SE had years earlier, but the terrain was no longer flat and brown or flat and blue.

    Then came my first favorite--F-19. I spent so many hours over several years with that one.

    I played a little Red Baron 1 (it was 2/3D I spent more time with) and then CYAC, but I remember 1991 was the year of SWOTL and Falcon 3! Then came the "Aces over" series with the Pacific and Europe, and 1942:PAW...did a lot of WWII carrier ops, as well as doing it in F-19!

  4. I voted for ST as it's the only one I have on DVD! Cadillac Man was ok, but one viewing was enough, and I wasn't even interested in seeing Rescue Dawn.

    ST:TMP had its troubles but I still find I enjoy it on repeat viewings. I own all 11 ST films on DVD, and the 3 seasons of the original series on Bluray!

  5. Precision munitions weren't the big deal then that they are now. Back then, if a plane did A2G at all (the F-16 wasn't even designed for it, it was to be a WVR dayfighter with 2 AIM-9s, a gun, and a simple radar) it was more important how good the CCIP and such were for dropping unguided bombs.

    There was also probably the notion that it was too much workload for a single-seater with the exception of the much-slower-so-you-have-some-time A-10. The Viper and Hornet were never planned to be busting tanks in a Fulda Gap breakout. That would be left to the A-10s and others while they'd be tangling in the skies or doing coastal work (for the Hornet). It's only around the time of ODS that it was decided any plane could be a precision strike craft and they started integrating things all over.

  6. Well, "technical capabilities" and "stealth" aren't synonymous terms. There's more to the B-2 and F-22 than stealth, and I'm sure this plane is to be the same way. While it won't match those other 2 on stealthiness, I'm sure it will beat other current designs including the Gripen, Rafale, and Eurofighter there and it may have the most advanced avionics any Russian fighter has ever had. Considering they'll want to keep the info released to a minimum, saying it can do more than plane XYZ will be hard to judge.

  7. It's true that not enough people are supporting TK as well as they could. Some are themselves in genuine financial trouble themselves, so you can't blame them. Others are simply...cheap. Buying just one or two and then relying on free mods to do the rest just is lame. You know those people aren't buying the payware either!

    I'm all for him putting MP in, too, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying the SP side.

  8. Well, there used to be good politics. Then along came the liberals and started disagreeing with people (because after all until 20 or so years back, there weren't any disagreements ever) and it all went to hell. :wink:


    Just remember: the human memory is not reliable. That's why an eyewitness is the weakest testimony in a court case. Documents and other media are more important. So your memory of "how things used to be" is probably wrong!

  9. Apparently this has affected BP stock, which is somehow connected with the pensions of a lot of Brits. So while Americans don't feel a single anti-UK thing, just irritation with BP itself, you've got all these retired voters in the UK getting upset about their pension being threatened, which means UK politicians are getting upset.


    Really, though, we have to make that our primary concern, right? Who cares what a company does wrong trying to save a buck, cutting corners, we have to keep its stock up for all the people that DON'T work for the company anymore. :rolleyes:

  10. Right, we used dedicated air-launched drones, though.

    You wanna bet they're working on stealth versions of those now? Decoys that are hard to see and will fool the enemy into thinking they've just managed to track some stealthy planes and fire on them? I certainly would be making them if I was working in that area.

    The only issue with converted A/C is they have all the same limitations as far as range, meaning that they'd only be able to launch them from their own soil and be incapable of AAR. Also, if you crowd your bases closest to the front with those, you have to keep your real planes farther back, adding to the logistical nightmare that is combat.


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