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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. "known by historians as the Holy Grail of military aviation"


    Really? I don't see any reason why this has any more claim to such a dubious title than many others like Glacier Girl. Journalistic hyperbole really ruins things that are genuinely interesting for me.

  2. Well, Rafale is likely more stealthy than the 2000, so they'll have a slight advantage there. Also the Rafale has more modern avionics than the IAF's 2000s, so my guess is they'll put up a better fight than the Su's had from the 2k's back home.

    Again, not saying the Rafale is or isn't superior to the Su, but it should be superior to the 2000 in most areas.

  3. That's the point, actually. Lucas was incredibly frustrated with the original trilogy because he couldn't do things the way he wanted and kept struggling with the available technology to get things done.

    By the time of the prequel trilogy he had both the tech and the money to do it EXACTLY as he envisioned it...and we got what we got.


    I remember standing on line for over 2 hrs to see ESB, over a month after release! Two things I remember: they were selling drinks and snacks to people waiting in line, and they were even selling the comic book adaptation Marvel did. I had my parents buy it for me, but they (rightly) said I couldn't read it until after the movie so as not to spoil it. That would've SUCKED had I read about the "I am your father" scene first!

    The other thing I clearly recall was someone in the line had brought a radio and Gary Nunan's "Cars" was playing. I think it was around 10 years before I heard that song again and realized I hadn't imagined its existence.

  4. What difference does sustained g-performance make when the pilots will never use it? Any F-4 or F-14 pilot knew their plane was outmatched by most other fighters in turning battles, so they didn't go there. That's like saying the B-1B is a superior fighter to the B-52 because it has better sustained turn performance. That's true, but irrelevant.


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