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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. For whatever reason, when moving partitions to the left the data inside is moved as well so the empty space is always to the right. That means you'd have to move the very Windows files now in use to do that, so it can't happen. That's why you need a 3rd party util.

  2. My sister was born in 79, and now that she's over 30 I don't think of her as a kid anymore.

    However, I still can't accept that there are people with drivers licenses out there born after I graduated HS in 1991!

  3. The proper language would be "efforts by global organizations such as the United Nations to undermine international sovereignty."


    Really, any UN organizations beyond the central one of nations getting together and talking are interfering with nations' internal business and telling them what to do or not to do. Within the first 10 yrs of its existence the UN was shown to be nothing, especially with the "resolution" of the war in Korea...the war that was never ended. Great work, UN!


    Anyone who wastes their time with UN bashing is just trying to find another enemy. It has zero power and little influence, as nations still do what they want to do. The UN's pronouncements are either pointed to as good (when they support that position, like freeing Kuwait) or ignored or dismissed as the work of unfriendly nations (when they are against it, like Iran's nuclear program).


    Quite simply the UN never has and never will work. Imagine if your local police department and courts were replaced by you and your fellow citizens. Would you really respect the authority of people who are literally the same as you?

  4. In less than a week, there's another 30th anniversary milestone...the release of the Star Wars sequel, the Empire Strikes Back!

    I'd never seen lines for a movie that long before or since.

  5. Not like there's any choice. There is a treaty binding the US to the defense of S Korea should fighting break out, hence the almost 30,000 military there.

    Now just how much support we would give is open to interpretation, but to renege on a treaty like that, well, that would make us look worse to the international community, something they've claimed they're trying to reverse, aren't they?


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