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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. The other issue was maintenance. Many of the client states and most of the 3rd world ones had trouble keeping the Flogger in top form because it was an order of magnitude more complex than the MiG-21 to maintain. Who cares how good the plane flies and fights if it's sitting in a hangar?

  2. Yeah, they're great for STILL objects. For moving ones, I'm not sold.


    Getting a picture of my daughter for the 1/2 second she's still before she starts moving again is literally impossible with the delay between pressing the button and the stupid picture actually being taken. I guess you need a pricey digital camera to eliminate that delay and get what film cameras always had?

  3. They still haven't stopped the ones coming over to FL by boats and rafts, are they going to build a fence there too? Should it be on the beach or out in the water?


    I'm opposed to spending billions to mitigate a problem by a few percent. If the "cure" costs more than the problem, it's not a cure!



    The obvious solution is to lower the wages in those areas to below Mexican standards so that there's no appeal.

  4. When SW came out, there was no home video or cable. Other than theatrical releases you had to wait for years for it to be on TV. By the time of the 3rd film, though, both home video and cable existed, albeit in only limited scope.

    I seem to recall seeing SW on cable shortly after the 3rd film's release, even though both it and the 2nd one were rereleased prior to the 3rd film's debut. I clearly remember it took 4 years for the 3rd film to come out on video (don't know why I remember it was 1987, I just do). I think by the end of the 80s video releases were under a year. Now they can come out on DVD while still in limited play in a couple of venues.

  5. The best gauge for a film is attendance, not money, and yes I think Avatar was #26 on that list last I looked? GWTW will always be #1 for several reasons.

    The biggest is, of course, it came out when there was no TV. EVERYONE went to the movies back then, some weekly, as that's where the news reels were as well. Also, if you liked a film and wanted to see it again you HAD to see it in the theater on a re-release as there was no TV to see it on!

    The media scene has permanently altered, and while someday a film might make more money than Avatar, no one will beat those old attendance records.


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