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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. Well, look at it this way...decades after their introduction into service, which plane is still in front-line use?


    Just the F-4. Upgraded, sure, but still the same airframe, and no better a dogfighter today than it was in the 1950s.


    However, which was the last to serve on carriers? The F-8 for France, years after the US and UK retired their carrier-borne F-4s.

  2. Queen's Gambit was just what an addon should be...a new island, a couple of new campaigns, and that's about it. A large portion of the Arma community never got it and it didn't hurt them.

    I also think you've got a mistaken view of the time line, since I think Resistance came out less than 2 yrs after OFP did but offered major enhancements to the engine. Arma 2 came out almost 3 yrs after Arma, but Op Arrowhead is coming out less than a year after Arma 2. I think it basically is going to be Arma 2 to the current patch level with new units, terrain, and campaigns/missions. That's why it will integrate with Arma 2 or simply stand by itself. Of course, Arma came out 5 years after OFP, so by comparison Arma 2 was a quick release.

    As for PC requirements, what it needs isn't all that much by today's standards. I know it runs fine on a friend's 3 Ghz C2D w/9800GTX+ on a 1920x1200 monitor using FSAA, and that's an over 2 yr-old configuration that wasn't even that pricey when it was new. Again, OFP ran miserably on most people's PCs when it was released, and it wasn't until the release of Resistance that the mainstream hardware had caught up to the engine.

  3. It will release in the US around the same time. It should integrate with Arma2 or work without it.

    It will have the US Army again like Arma had, as opposed to the USMC that Arma2 had. It also I think is more desert-based.

  4. Yes, it always pains me to see really good old games going for next to nothing while newer games that aren't as good IMO are going for still close to full price.

    I don't play MP in FPS games, unless it has coop, so I've been waiting for the price on the COD games to drop to play the SP part (as the full price is too much for the short SP side) and still COD4 is overpriced! Stupid MP demand is keeping the price high!

  5. Ditto here, and I've got TIR4.

    While it works beautifully in the 3d cockpit, you can't do too much with that in F4. In the 2d cockpit, it blows.


    I have the views mapped to the hat on my G940 and that works fine for me along with having padlock to a button, in other words the same setup I've had for playing F4 on my HOTAS since Dec 1998. :grin:


    Every other flight sim I have has a good 3D cockpit and TIR works great: CFS3, Il-2, LOMAC, DCS, all of TK's sims. I've been meaning to try it in EECH, but I so rarely play that one anymore even with all the new mods.

  6. If you lost a $20 bill, would you be upset? If yes, think about the things Helmut mentioned and look at the screenshots. It's still the same game as FE Gold, just improved in those areas.

    If no, just buy it already because there are far worse things to blow $20 on that will give you a lot less enjoyment, like buying tickets to see a bad movie.

  7. Yes, scripted linked missions. A dynamic campaign was talked about for LOMAC since before its release in 2002 or 3 or whenever it was.

    However, Il-2 does have dynamic campaigns, they're just...not that dynamic and I find them tedious. If LOMAC had an engine like that, I wouldn't be happy with it either.

    That said, there are some great 3rd party campaigns you can DL out there for LOMAC.

  8. The only winners in these incidents are the guys who make and sell the flags.


    You could open a flammable US flag store in the Middle East and retire from all the sales you'd get. No excuse for that in the west.

  9. In "real life" runways are oriented based on geography and/or prevailing wind patterns, so they can be facing any direction. For instance, I believe our runway is 20/200 and the Skid Strip at CCAFS is 130/210.


    Games of course will just have the programmers make things easier on themselves by making them N/S or E/W.

    I think the reason for saying "36" is just that it's easier to make out on a radio than saying "00" or "double 0."


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