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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. The US has been involved in no other 8 year war unless you mean the Cold War, and that did indeed have fewer direct casualties.

    For other countries, exact figures will be harder to come by. I don't recall how many died in the Iran-Iraq war, or the USSR's Afghan enterprise. As mentioned, going back more than 100 yrs leads you to times of poor medicine and tech to save lives, so what would today be a wounded soldier that never returns to the battlefield would be a KIA back then.


    Another unknown barometer is relative losses--how many were lost compared to the enemy? If you lost half as much as the enemy that's far different than if you lose only 10% of theirs. That again requires good numbers from all sides, and those are just hard to get other than estimates.


    However, the conflicts we're involved in now differ greatly from many other recent conflicts other than really the USSR in Afghanistan in the 80s and perhaps the US in Vietnam. Pretty much everything else has been fast and/or high-intensity vs standard state-controlled forces with front lines far more clearly defined. Low-intensity ones historically last far longer because of the low attrition which lets each side sustain the fight.


    I guess what I'm getting at is drawing any general conclusions will be hard to justify, only specific ones compared to Vietnam and 80s Afghanistan.

  2. It's also the tire design. I bet if I'd run over that bolt in my 4Runner it wouldn't have even dented the tire because I don't have a wide, flat tread. It would most likely have been kicked out instead.

    Sports car tires seem to enjoy finding pointy things to puncture them.

  3. Well, you know the 120C has smaller fins, so it has to be 10x better. :rolleyes:

    They must be basing it on some "120C has far better ECCM vs 120B against Russian ECM and chaff" document somewhere and they pulled this performance out of thin air (since of course real numbers would be classified).

    Personally, I don't like that there are like 5 different 120C models in service concurrent with the B because I can't remember them all! They should've just given them all new letters!

  4. I don't remember when George Peppard died, but that probably limited the chance of making an A Team movie with the original cast!


    However, as has been mentioned, I don't think anyone really "loved" the original series like others such as Star Trek were. It was IMO not even as good as Knight Rider, and watching old reruns of that (or rather attempting to but being unable to actually sit thru it) has led me to believe it's not even as silly as I remember but far worse!


    In short, this movie will likely go nowhere, but whether it adheres strictly to the source material or not likely will have zero bearing on it.

  5. Yeah, C3PO, that was the one that apparently left without saying anything.


    Personally, I think they made a big mistake. They could've simply made a new 3D model of a plane already in the game, enlisted someone like Aeyes to make a new cockpit, and released an addon/standalone expansion within 2 years of the release easily. Those 2 terrains were sufficient, the ability to fly the F-15E or F/A-18 would've greatly expanded the sim. I've no idea what their plans are, but I can only surmise it's a next-gen title based on the campaign engine and FM stuff from F4. Compared to things like DCS and Wings of Prey, F4:AF is now horribly outdated graphically (even Il-2 looked better, and it came out several years earlier) so they have to redo that side.

  6. For a budget of about $20bn/yr, we could have gone back there in 10 years. Instead, we needed to give $80bn to AIG and billions more to stupid corporations for literally NO return. NASA will get $18bn/yr and lose the ability to send humans into space, instead holding a ticket to get on the Hogwarts Express from Pad 9 3/4 to the ISS whenever one of these commercial companies actually gets a rocket up, let alone a capsule to carry people.

    It's disgusting.

  7. One reason the laptops may seem smoother is the resolution. What are you running your laptop at compared to desktops?

    My laptop is 1440x900 (I could've upgraded it to an even higher res, but this was already an upgrade, I think 1200x800 was stock?), but my desktop is 1280x1024. Now in my case, we're talking about only a mere 15000 pixel difference, but some people have widescreen monitors running at 1680 x 1050 (which is 450,000 pixels more), 1920 x 1080 (700,000 more), or 1920 x 1200 (1,000,000 more).

    Since ED's sims are very CPU-bound, higher res needs more CPU power. The only thing a bigger video card gives you is the ability to crank up the FSAA.

  8. A lot of people were hoping for more releases, either new planes for AF or an F5. Instead, despite their talk of better-than-expected sales and such, after the last patch was released they had all of 1 update on their site (saying happy new year in I think 2008) and that's it.


    I remember the guy doing PR/tech support for it at SimHQ was very active, then suddenly was rarely around, and the last time I saw him post he no longer had the "lead pursuit" attached to his user name. I asked about that, but he never replied or seemed to return again. That was an ill omen.

  9. Oh wow, Dave has the exact same laptop I do, except I still have Vista SP2 on mine. It never even occurred to me to try and run LOMAC on it, though, mainly because I can't hook my HOTAS up to it where it is. :grin:


    Anyway, I just upgraded to a 5850 this weekend and have yet to try FC2 with it, but I played DCS:BS and it was fine.

  10. I don't have a fave, I like them all!

    If you're asking what I'm flying most right NOW, that would be a mix between WWI and modern (thanks to LOMAC, DCS, and F4).

    I've done tons of WWII flying over the years, with Il-2 being the only thing I'm still flying, but not too often. Before FE2 came out, I was spending a bit more time in the Vietnam era with the SF2 titles.


    As for Korea, I never had MiG Alley, so other than that one CFS3 mod and some mods for TW sims (I don't think I ever got the Korea terrain installed, though, just some planes), it would have to be Chuck Yeager's Air Combat c.1991 the last time I had a sim that actually had Korea OOTB.

  11. XP doesn't get a true "upgrade", it will wipe and restart the install. Only Vista can be upgraded (by that I mean your programs are still there).


    I do know you can't upgrade a 64-bit Vista to 32-bit 7 or vice versa, either. You have to do a fresh install when changing that.

  12. I tried it, but I dumped it because of other changes they made to the AI. I found it basically impossible to win against them under any circumstances on "normal" difficulty, which is ridiculous. I liked the new maps and Russian units, but screwing with the AI was unforgivable.


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