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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. As mentioned, it hasn't aired here yet but count me in as among the wary. I thought the Eccleston -> Tennant shift was positive, but the guy behind the scenes didn't change. Now we have basically a total reboot and those usually don't end up well when what came before was so good.


    For Kevin, FWIW I heard Primeval was done.

  2. I've also had moderate battle damage result in later engine failure. Whether due to fuel shortage or some other problem that worsened over time.

    However, most of the time when I'm hit it's time to eject before an unseen fire blows me up (that has happened several times)!

  3. I bought it at release and am almost burned out on it at this point! Especially as I was playing L4D1 until the day before, and while things were added it's not like it's a different game. :grin:

    Right now I'm waiting for the DLC campaign to come out.

  4. Frankly, yes, the West can't win this one. If we expect the "hearts and minds" campaign to work, it has to be done by other cultures closer to theirs than ours is. That means more than half-hearted work by Iran and Pakistan and the Afghani tribes. It also means a fundamental shift in mentality for them.

    Why is it that a Moslem will see an attack against another Moslem, even one living half a world away in a totally different culture, to be "an attack against your brother" or "all Islam"? You don't see any of the other religions thinking that way to the extent of sacrificing themselves in suicide gestures. Sure you'll see financial support and so on, but the difference in Islamic thinking puzzles me. For 8 years Iran and Iraq fought and you didn't hear a peep out of Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, etc. As soon as a non-Islamic country gets involved, though, it's "the Crusades all over again!" and the wackjobs incite the weak-minded to fight against the oppressors.


    I mean, all these countries willing to fight Israel over Palestine, but not one willing to let them resettle in their own country?

    "We will give money, weapons, even fight and die to get your land back! But, no, we don't want you living next door to us, UGH."

  5. Well, the UK would've been out of it, hard to say what would've happened then. Germany might have gone it alone or kept going with Italy. If it did go alone, my guess is Italy would've bought a US design instead as well, or whatever Germany made, as their own indigenous industry was already hard pressed to make something on their own at that point and AFAIK Italy has never bought a Dassault.

  6. No plan ever used against a nation-state (like Japan, Germany, etc) will ever work against an insurgency/terrorist group like the Taliban or Al-Qaeda. At no point will these insurgencies ever believe they've been conquered, there's no "marching on the Al-Qaeda capital".

    Japanese and German soldiers stopped fighting when they heard their leaders surrendered and were ordered to stop fighting.

    No Taliban or Al-Qaeda leader will surrender or offer cease-fire, so you can kill all of them you want but the ones that are left will keep fighting and recruiting new fighters and taking over as leaders. They have religious fanaticism behind them which gives each fighter a personal stake in their battle that no amount of killing their comrades-in-arms will overcome.

    The ONLY way to "win" is to make them want to stop fighting. Assuming that what worked against one culture will work against another is the very reason we were so screwed in the Iraq invasion in the first place, assuming they'll be dancing in the streets and peace will reign by the end of 2003. :rolleyes:


    Personally, I think giving money to them is NOT the way to change their minds, but the problem is they're so insular I just can't imagine what will. You convince 5 of them to change heart, the others all assume they've been coerced or "possessed" or whatever and ignore them.


    The left thinks making nice will make them want to stop, but it won't because they'll assume it's all lies and won't trust it. The right thinks more killing will make them want to stop, but it won't because that just reaffirms their belief that they must fight on and they'll recruit more and more.


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