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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. Sandra Bullock didn't win an Oscar and a Razzie for the same role...the Oscar wasn't for All About Steve, the Razzie was.

    She actually went to the Razzies to get it (I wonder if anyone other than her and Halle Berry have actually appeared to claim their prize?) and brought along a box of DVDs of the film.

  2. Naturally. The last thing anyone here wants is to get into someone else's dispute. If we can lend support to an ally without screwing ourselves over, we should. With the way things are right now, though, our neck is stuck out farther than a giraffe's already and we can't afford (literally) to get into anything else.


    The interesting thing, of course, is that what is usually in most countries' best interests is maintaining the status quo.

  3. Yeah, the media is hyping the abusive language angle, but that's not why she was canned. Around 90% of those who served with her have given examples of someone ill-suited to command that was instead promoted beyond their ability, possibly due to connections but more likely for the political aspects of "another female USN commander."


    Making a master chief stand "time out" on the bridge of a USN vessel along with other belittlings of senior officers in front of junior officers is just lame leadership.

  4. Many artists' biggest hits were NOT big on release. Take Billy Joel's Piano Man...I think the song peaked at #34 for a single week in 1973 then faded away. By the late 80s, though, it was one of the big highlights of his live shows.

  5. I think the definition of life should be simple: if the mother dies NOW, can the fetus/baby be removed from the womb and live, or will it die? The heartbeat argument holds no water because there are microscopic organisms with heartbeats.

    If leaving the womb means death, no matter the technology to sustain available, it's not a person yet. It's just potential.

    Having lived thru miscarriages with my wife, I've had no choice but to become inured to emotional attachment until the pregnancy has progressed to a "safe" point.


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