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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. My guess is it's because, unlike many other killer animals, it doesn't try to maul or eat the people. It just bangs them around and drowns them, leading to the "reasonable doubt" of whether it means to kill or just doesn't know its behavior will result in death.

  2. LOL, in EAW reversing your roll or rudder was sufficient cause to enter an immediate death spin! Very touchy FM there, ironically it reminded me of its predecessor PAW which also had touchy spins several years earlier.


    I will say the sim I get spins in most often though is Il-2, even in planes and situations I completely disagree should've resulted in said spin. It's like either gravity or mass is inaccurately accounted for there and as a result even very heavy planes will dance like a paper plane in a strong wind when it departs. The ones I've gotten into in TKs sims, while granted are far less frequent, at least feel more "right."

  3. No, camo paint will not hide a plane from a satellite or a camera on a plane, they're too good for that. It's more about the Mk 1 eyeball and hiding from planes flying above you. This scheme indicates they expect it to spend more time over land than over water. However, I can't recall many that have just a pale tan with such a dark brown and green. I don't know what part of the world has terrain that would blend with that scheme, but I don't want to even visit!

  4. I don't mean the employers are having a great time, I'm just saying those that ARE hiring have the pick of the litter compared to 10 years ago when you could always find a better offer from another company.

  5. Oh, it was $20? I missed seeing it (since gogamer is blocked at work) and never saw the price. I probably would've picked it up for that. Oh well, I'm sure it will either be on a similar sale again or they'll have a limited time deal with free planes with purchase or something like that in the future. I'm hardly hurting for sims, my FE2 install has been mostly lonely. :grin:

  6. Also, don't forget that with things the way they are now people are taking jobs outside their career field and below their previous wages just to bring home a paycheck. It's basically an "employer's market" right now with them able to pick and choose and still have no trouble filling slots.

  7. Considering they started out with Il-2's engine before switching halfway thru to a new engine, I'm not surprised it gives that impression. However, an engine is just the foundation on which to start. A great team can take a so-so engine to great heights while a poor one can take a great engine and make it flounder.

  8. Frankly, it's a sin of most sims that we can get multiple kills EVERY mission we fly. The problem is usually the AI won't allow for more realistic "1 guy got damaged then everyone went home" scenarios...they come at you with death in their eyes and it's you or them.


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