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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. Repair usually works fine, not sure why you're getting this problem.

    Are you stripped down to one DVD and one HDD only? More than that can cause issues with selecting the proper boot device, so make sure you have no USB HDDs hooked up or flash drives or anything.

  2. You can't say without knowing what time frame you most care about.

    If you're interested in the post-Nam era, you need the F-14, F-18, MiG-23s, etc.

    If you care about the post-Korea era, there's a whole other batch of mods.

    If you want to go post-Cold War, you need the MiG-29, Su-27, F-22, F-35, Super Hornet, etc.


    The WOV ground and air expansion I think is a must-have for WOV, actually. An all-in-one mod with separate NV and SV terrains and tons of planes, ground objects, weapons, and campaigns.

    If WOV and WOI are all you have, I don't think you can get NATO Fighters 4 or ODS which I believe both need WOE.

  3. "Another"? As in "another that will never be released"??

    I still wish the FPS had been finished. I never cared about the MMO. If a TPS gets released, well, I'll need a demo as I don't usually care for those games. Great for Tomb Raider, Thief, and Splinter Cell, but not so much that abortion that was Ghost Recon 2.

  4. Of course, what baffles me is that we bought more F-15s and F-16s than we planned...we just kept building them. All of a sudden now we've got programs where the total number is decided before production starts, then is cut, then cut again, then at the end the line is shutdown and you're left with no way to get anymore unless you start a whole new program that will cost you more than just buying more of the original design in the first place. :blink:

  5. It was almost 20 years ago (1991? 1992?) I met the naval officer who was in charge of the USS Nevada and made the decision to beach her during the attack. The captain wasn't aboard at the time, and didn't get there till after the attack ended. He was in his 80s at the time, so I'm sure he's long gone now. His part was in Tora, Tora, Tora, briefly seen as they decide to beach it when it looks like they'll sink in the channel.

    I can't remember his name now...I think it was Tomlinson? He was called "Tommy", but I'm not sure if that was his real first name or merely a nickname based on his last.


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