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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. A lot more going on...good? Bad? Both?


    The media only gets things right when they've had zero time to think about something and just report. After that, the attempt to get ratings overpowers that.

  2. The next DCS module is the A-10, so it hardly makes sense for them to have an updated 3D model for it in LOMAC 2.0. Perhaps the other 2 planes are also planned at some point down the road. The Su-25T I don't think is, so this is a defacto DCS: Su-25T as well as Su-25 now.

  3. I've only played the 1st campaign so far, but it's definitely been amped up.

    In addition to the fact that you have a lot more weapons and items to use, the game really cares how many players are in the game. I played with 3 other people and in that one campaign we killed over 2400 zombies!! That's compared to L4D where you'd get just over 1000 on average. The Special Infected were also far more common, think I got 18 smokers MYSELF, not counting the other 3 guys. We even failed one of the levels, #3 I think, our first try...on NORMAL difficulty, and we were all experienced L4D players to varying degrees.


    All in all, considering I spent $45 on this (and only $25 for L4D on a weekend sale) I think I'll get my $$ worth! I had over 110 hours in L4D, I'll easily pass that here.

  4. *ahem* I still have my F-19 manual, so I can check it tonight, but I seem to recall a lot of that stuff was in there. For a sim that was even more "lite" than TK's WO/SF series, its manual took itself very seriously.


    Heh, amazing how many different targets that little 20mm cannon could destroy with like 10 rounds, wasn't it? :grin:

  5. Unlike many languages, the reason English works so well as an "international" language is that you can mangle it pretty badly, both in grammar and pronunciation/spelling, and still be understood. Where some languages are vulnerable to the slightest change in intonation altering a word's meaning, English is very resilient to mishandling. :grin:


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