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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. As they pointed out on Jon Stewart's show last night, it's not like they'll get off. Pundits decrying "Oh, what if they get released on a technicality?" to which Jon took out 2 beer bottles and started banging them together saying "KSM...come out and play-ay..." Street justice would be quite swift, so just put him on the streets of NYC. :grin:

  2. It was a little disappointing here, too, with some dense cloud cover blocking our view until it was almost a minute after launch. After that we could see it fine, though. Just sad I was here and not at the Cape for some reason yesterday.

  3. Well in Il-2 my favorite kill was to saw the bandit's tail off with my prop, but that's not feasible here. :grin:


    I'll agree that IRM's are my favorite, especially the earlier ones as getting a kill with them was far more difficult than with an R-73 or AIM-9X today. Also since my plane seems to be the size of 5 B-52s stuck together I dislike getting close to planes with tailguns! So many Tu-16s, Tu-22s, and Il-28s have notches on their planes from killing me that I've probably made several bomber gunners aces over the years...


    Another thing is those bombers generally won't go down from a single IRM hit anyway, and I've even had fighters survive sometimes.

    The best is when you hit one and it seems to survive, it flies for another few minutes, and as you close in to get a guns kill (I'll never waste a missile on a damaged fighter!) they eject/die in the cockpit and the plane goes down without any more effort on your part!

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  4. No, the world will end when Congress passes a health care reform bill that actually improves health care and costs the gov't less.


    So while some think it will happen this year, I think we can confidently predict NEVER. :wink:

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  5. I'm not nearly as frightened of dying as I am of almost dying but then surviving in some horribly diminished capacity, so bad I wish I had died.

    While I know I won't feel a thing if I'm gone, I feel now like I'd miss my family, and I know how much it would hurt them if I was gone.


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