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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. I'm using the 182s right now I think for my GTX 260. I tried upgrading to the 191's last week, but I lost all FSAA in my TW sims as well as several other games. I quickly used XP's system restore to get back to the 182s and I've not tried again. I just installed the 191s over the top of the 182s and didn't do a complete uninstall/reinstall. Maybe I'll try that this weekend.


    Right now, I guess the question is if anyone is using the 191s with their nvidia cards in the TW sims and getting FSAA to work?

  2. Yeah, that gives a good baseline as to what you'll be offering vs the others out there. People sick of pots that don't care about/for FFB or strain gauge and already have a set of USB pedals from CH or Saitek should take note!

    Some people love the complicated programming of some HOTAS, but personally I've always just taken someone else's profile and made a couple changes here and there...I want to fly, not code! :grin:


    Oh, since you're going to be making a number of handles, might I suggest a mirror one for the lefties out there that won't use a righty stick? I doubt they'll get the throttle, but right now only things like the Saitek Evo that are symmetrical are available to them. A lefty version of an F-16 stick, while looking totally wrong, will function the same. :biggrin:

  3. Flew a couple of missions...wow, I've never had so many fighters in the air in a random mission before! I had air activity on random, but there must have been 16 migs easy. I flew as an F-16 and died in a most embarrassing way...tailing a 23, trying to get a guns kill...and swatted from the sky by a wingman's Python 3!!! :mad:

    Then flew in the Nesher and had that same massive number of 21s to deal with. Got 2 of them, plus bombed the target, plus took out several parked 21s with the extra bombs!


    I think there's a new MiG-21...the FL. It's also Fishbed-D, but it's new.


    BTW, SF2I brings the number of stock planes + variants (not all flyable without modding, of course) to 131.

  4. Honestly I've never tried. I know Black Shark doesn't have any limit...I can swivel my head 360 degrees from looking out the left, to front, right, back, and then left again!

    As for LGBs, none of the stock planes had them, although they did have (separately) laser AGMs, TV bombs, and slick bombs. So it wouldn't surprise me if they don't work for players.

  5. It's not their tech or combat ways that are Stone Age, it's their culture...or what they claim as their culture. The fact that they seem to think they can win and get the world to be THEIR way even though almost no one wants that...

  6. Also this stick uses twist grip for rudders instead of a separate pedal unit. Some people may like that, I'm not one of them.

    For the same price as the Logi set you can also get all 3 of CH's pieces including the pedals.

    Besides, I think this stick only would work well if you flew modern jet sims only. Others that I play like Black Shark, Il-2, CFS3, and all of TK's sims just work better with a moving stick. Especially the WWI planes!!


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