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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. I understand the idea, to make a game that isn't as hard as Arma2 for the uninitiated. The consensus seems to be, however, that they missed the mark. I've not tried it myself yet (I'm waiting for a demo), but it does sound more like a game designed for consoles that also is on PC.

  2. I like CA Dark, but for some reason like the SF forums it totally bogs down my work PC...as in scrolling or page up/down has a MASSIVE lag. CPU usage goes from barely nothing to like 50% for iexplore.exe with it. Don't understand why, but I'm using Original as a result.

  3. I think some of mine might have modified squadronlist.ini's and possibly a couple of others. I guess the biggest issue is mods of stock planes, as the .ini's for them might be changed in the .cat.

    I'm sure when it comes out we'll see some people post about issues with specific mods. The SF2V A&G Exp is one I'm particularly concerned about, actually! My other one is mostly just planes, terrains, and weapons.

  4. The installer and uninstaller? That's an odd thing to have a problem with this late in the game. He's only had those running since SF2's release, assuming it's because of making it work properly on Vista and XP.

    Whatever, another few days won't kill us. It's not like we don't already have a ton of other things available!


    I'll be interested to see what this does with my mods, though. While I have my stock SF2, SF2V, and SF2E installs, I also have 2 heavily modded installs and I hope I can update them more easily than it was for the old SFP1 series!

  5. The one on the Mall with all the other buildings has been there for decades. The new one in Dulles opened just around 6 yrs ago. It has the test shuttle Enterprise, the Concorde, the 707 prototype...

    If you saw the 2nd Transformers movie, when they go and find the SR-71 that's an old Decepticon, that's at the Udvar-Hazy museum at Dulles. Of course, when they walk outside and are suddenly at Davis-Monthan AFB's boneyard, well... *waves hand* You don't need to believe in the geography.

  6. I think I still have my EAW around somewhere. I played multiple BoB campaigns, but when it came time to start the 43 and 44 ones, I just lost interest. Compared to the BoB ones they seemed repetitive and less diverse. Lots of almost escort-only campaigns for the allies and bomber/fighter intercept only for the Germans got stale fast. I'm glad they've been able to alter the game to offer more...EAW was the last WWII sim I flew the campaigns in! I've played a lot of Il-2 in the past EIGHT years since release, but never made it past 3-4 missions in a campaign because the repetition/lack of diversity was worse than EAW's worst.


    Looking at those shots, though, I can only think "turn on FSAA!!" :grin:


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