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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. Quite honestly, I doubt it ever will. With the number of planes modeled that are currently not available elsewhere, and the unlikelihood that we'll ever get successor sims to model them all, I don't see myself ever dumping it unless (until) it gets so dated that I feel like I'm just unable to cope with it anymore.

    That said, I've been playing Dark Forces on Steam from 1995 and that game just looks AWFUL now...but it's still fun. :grin:

  2. A good scale for the effectiveness of a gov't is the magnitude of the issues it tackles.

    Going after a TV station for showing a satirical cartoon shows just how ineffective Venezuela has become. They can't do anything substantive, so let's demonize the US to try and create an enemy for the people to rally around and let's also attack one of their CARTOONS.

  3. Something I don't get--shouldn't people say they go hunting for fish instead of "fishing"? There's no difference in the end result, just the technique, but many things are hunted in totally different ways anyway.

    You don't go "deering"...

  4. Usually if a plane has a partition between the front and rear cockpits it's due to ejection seat-related concerns and would be standard on all built. The only reason not to have the mirror is if the plane wasn't a trainer but a combat 2-seater. However, I'm unaware of any 2-seat 25s that are designed for combat not training.


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