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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. Anyone have a G940 yet other than our reviewer? I'm looking for a consensus.


    Specifically, my Cougar at 4 yrs old (along with my 15+ yr old RCS) is getting long in the tooth and I don't really want to buy another one just to go thru this again in a few years OR pay extra to mod it.


    My 2 choices right now are both $300--the G940, or the CH HOTAS setup (at $100 for each piece).


    The G940 has FFB, split throttle, Hall sensors, and is receiving great published reviews.

    The CH setup is time-proven (to the extent I wish I'd bought it 4 years ago instead of the Cougar when my FLCS/TQS setup had to be replaced), does NOT have FFB (since FFB can be a pro and a con depending on circumstances), and is enjoyed by thousands of simmers.


    I'm just fed up with my Cougar's center play and spiking and throttle rotary issues and I'd like to replace it with one or the other sooner rather than later.

  2. Just because some of the people that disagree aren't racist doesn't mean you can claim none of them are.

    I've heard quite a few statements thrown about under the guise of politics that are definitely racist, and I'm not talking about big public figures, I mean just regular people at work and around town.


    Now, would this opposition still exist if Hillary had been elected? Of course it would, and then I'm sure in addition to the legitimate policy differences there would be underlying sexism as well. The Democratic primary race was full of veiled sexist comments thrown at her and veiled racist ones thrown at him on the public stage, and on the street the comments were blatant.

    So you can maybe rattle off the name of 100 people who are NOT racist, but you can't state there aren't ANY.


    Carter as usual has done little to help, but he's not 100% wrong either. He's just exaggerating.


    It's like there are 10 criminals in an administration and one side claims there are none and the other claims they're ALL criminals. Neither side is right, but are just both wrong in a different way!



    Oh, I'll bet we wouldn't have seen any of these seniors saying "we're scared of Hillary!" if she had been elected. They would've called her a socialist and maybe even a "pinko commie", but you know they wouldn't claim fear. Remember, they don't just say "I'm scared of what Obama is trying to change", they say they're scared OF him and say he's trying to destroy the country.

    To quote David Bowie, I'm afraid of Americans, because of their unflagging capacity to lie to even themselves about their motivations. I NEVER heard people make so many comments about how the President was going to be killed before he had the chance to run for reelection before!

  3. Actually, I was going to say it gets LESS interesting. :grin:


    I'm beginning to wonder if these "crazed denizens" as you call them are operating out of a sense of blind faith. They pinned their hopes on this title, they paid good money for it, it HAS to end up better than it is right now, doesn't it? So HOW DARE YOU try and cast aspersions on it! If you do, and people listen, they won't get enough sales! Not enough sales = lack of development time to turn the thing into what they had hoped it would be. So it's in their own best interest to suppress any negative feedback on the game and drum up as many sales as possible so that the investment they already made will be justified!

  4. Old equipment is bad for multiple reasons, including decreased safety, increased maintenance costs/resources, and the political appearance of it. The US has planes far older than that, of course (B-52s!), but we don't ONLY have planes that age, we have many that are newer as well, although I believe the average age is around 20 yrs old.


    While those RAF birds are indeed capable of taking on the local air force without much effort, their antishipping/AG capabilities are far more limited due to the Typhoon being designed as air superiority/interceptor and not multirole. Fortunately precision munitions means any plane that can carry them can become a capable and even formidable ground pounder, but you need to put in the time and resources to make that happen and the Typhoon's progress there has been slow. That's why Harriers and Tornados are still being used for the ground roles while the air roles are being supplanted by the Typhoons.

  5. Exactly, it's supposed to revert to a holding pattern if contact is broken. I think there's also an RTB option, not sure if that's used or not. To just fly off wherever is bad, so is this the fault of the onboard programming malfunctioning, or do the large number of Predator losses indicate a problem with the basic concept of how it works? We seem to lose more of them percentage wise than any other UAV.

  6. http://www.popsci.com/military-aviation-amp-space/article/2009-09/when-drones-go-wild-air-force-shoots-them-down


    I've heard several USAF officials state the Predator/Reaper isn't what the USAF wanted or needed, but it was the best solution available when the need arose. If they had to do it again from scratch, they'd have a different system. Of course, how much of these incidents are due to the individual platform and how many arise from the procedures devised to use them is major issue.

  7. LOL, I actually saw that happen once from the ground, only a mile from my house!

    It was a month or so before the 2004 elections, and the local stadium (as in maybe 3 miles from my house, some MLB team does spring training there) was holding a rally with the President and his brother, our governor. AF1 flew into Patrick AFB, and Marine One flew him out and back escorted by all these other helos (saw them fly past less than a mile north of my house).

    The rally was like 12-2 or something, and around 1 I was driving back from lunch when I saw this tiny high-winged piston tail-dragger flying south over I-95. Now we see planes like that around all the time with the local little airports, but I knew the rally was going on and I thought "Huh? There should be a no-fly zone here!" I mentioned it to my wife, then turned to look at the plane which was now behind us JUST as an F-16 buzzed him at VERY close range, firing flares. I mean, the plane was under 2000ft altitude, maybe under 1000ft, and I think had a top speed of 90mph or something, so the F-16 wasn't going to be doing any escorting. I guess the guy was flying VFR and had his radio off or something? Anyway, he was forced to land at Merrit Island airport where he had some serious 'splaining to do.

    I will say this, though...in my opinion the CAP failed. That plane flew within a mile of the stadium at low altitude. Had it been filled with explosives it might have made it there before they could stop it. Had it been filled with some chem/bio weapon that could spread the stadium could've been affected even if it was shot down before actually reaching it.


    I found this online, tells what kind of plane it was (but it was an F-16, not F-15, not that the media ever gets that right):



    Later, in Melbourne, an F-15 escorted a plane to Merritt Island Airport near Cocoa Beach, said Greg Martin, a spokesman for the Federal Aviation Administration in Washington.


    Pilot Robert Hargrave, 73, was heading south from Georgia to Boca Raton in an Aeronca Champ when he violated the 30-mile-wide ring of restricted airspace over the Melbourne rally, Brevard County sheriff's Lt. John Coppola said. Hargrave was flying at about 1,200 feet. Fighter jets dropped flares and made several passes while trying to contact the pilot by radio as he passed the stadium heading south. When the pilot realized he was flying in restricted airspace, he turned around - sending him north, directly over the stadium, Coppola said.


    "It made everybody very nervous when we saw the aircraft turn northbound," Coppola said.


    This link has some pics from people there:


  8. I've no idea why college students seem to largely be drawn to leftist idealogies, other than perhaps they themselves have nothing but ideas and feel like they shouldn't have to work hard for decades to have something, so why not have everything equal? That will save THEM a lot of time and effort!

    On the flipside, you'll notice past middle-age most people tend to head to the right because they've spent decades to get what they have and they see no reason why it should be taken from them to be given to someone else!

  9. Yes, and it seems the German ROE take the cake.

    "Defend yourself, kill the enemy, if something goes wrong, even if it's not your fault, you will be tried in a civilian court!!!"

  10. The answer is "it depends." Even if they let you pick both, the programmers worked in one more than the other and then "ported" it over later.

    In the case of Il-2, it was done in OGL and the DX rendering is far inferior. 90% of modern software uses DX over OGL, the only other notable exception being id software and its games starting with Quake, and all the way up to the current Doom 3 engine used in D3, Quake 4, Prey, ET: Quake Wars, and recently Wolfenstein. Their new game Rage I'm not sure about as far as OGL or DX, but Carmack seems to love OGL so I'm not betting on it disappearing yet.

    I don't know if Oleg is using DX or OGL for Storm of War either.


    Last game I remember where you had multiple equivalent choices was Decent 3 in 1999. No OGL that I recall, you had software (non 3D, it did suck), Direct X, and Glide (aka 3DFx's 3D API for Voodoo cards only). Glide and DX looked and ran about the same on a Voodoo card, non-Voodoo cards had to use DX.

  11. I really don't understand why Hollywood has so many far-leftists...does it attract them, or produce them?


    I think the issue is too many there have money just handed to them for ideas, they don't really WORK for them. So, why not just give a large portion of that money to the poor? After all, just have another good idea and people will hand you more money, right? The poor are only poor because they must not have any good ideas! When you have the silver spoon handed to you, you naturally don't believe it's hard to earn.

  12. There's only one shot in the entire film shot in Miami...it's the brief scene of them driving south on I-95, obviously done by a 2nd unit crew. That was also not MIA, it was an airport in the UK, forget which one. I lived in Miami for over 20 years and know it well. :wink:


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