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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. That and the fact that Pakistan is too unsafe to shoot a movie!


    They didn't shoot those opening scenes of Casino Royale in Madagascar, either, nor in Haiti. I believe Panama and the Bahamas as well as the backlot at Pinewood in the UK covered all that stuff.


    Movie magic!

  2. Practical on a new design, but not on a modification of an existing design like the Fulcrum or Flanker.


    What they really need is a blocker like the Super Hornet has. They couldn't do much with the intakes on that, but they created a plug that had a minimal impact on performance and did almost the same thing.

  3. Oh, it's that easy? Cool. I haven't installed this yet, but it's on my to-do list for the long weekend. I've finally started installing some mods to my SF2 directory, but none to SF2V or SF2E. I'll just make an SF2V copy called SF2VPlus then and put all this in there!

    Also means that if beta 3 or the final release isn't happy overwriting this version, I'm not trashing my stock SF2V install to install it.

  4. Apparently any other response than "oh, we're all duped, the Russians are so much better" is unwelcomed?


    Again, why do people keep playing these silly F-22 vs Su-30 games? Combat doesn't occur in a vacuum.


    How many US fighters have been shot down by enemy fighters in the last 20 years? Just 1? That Hornet in Desert Storm I think?

    How many US fighters have been shot down? Many. Too many. How?


    SAMs and AAA.


    RCS is about survivability against radar threats. If the guy doesn't know you're there, he can't hurt you. If he knows you're there but not exactly where, he can't hit you. If he knows where you are, he has to get closer to hit you. Forget fighters, the threat is the SAMs and AAA. We lost far more planes to SAMs and AAA in Vietnam than fighters, too.


    The picture of the way data links work is inaccurate. Stealth deflects radar signals away from the transmitter. Planes in a formation will fly line abreast, so if the signal is deflected 45 degrees or more off axis there won't be any planes in the network to receive the signal! You'd have to arrange the planes in a semicircle with the focus on the stealth plane which indicates you already know where it is...how likely is that?

  5. Another issue is that so-called "noise jamming" where ECM just floods the bands with noise is outdated. It can be burned-thru fairly easily with enough power/range. That's why "deception jamming" is where ECM is at, but no flight sim models this because I suppose "details are classified." It's a simple enough concept though...if you can't prevent the enemy from seeing you, just make him see you somewhere other than where you really are! Missiles fly out to where they think your plane is, but when they get there you're miles away.

    Even HOJ won't be useful in that instance. Yet we're stuck with 60's era jamming techniques only.


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