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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. Anyone else here got the BSG DVD or BD set? I already had the entire series up through 4.0 on DVD, so I skipped buying the Bluray set. If I'd known that was coming out someday, I would've waited, but them's the breaks. I just bought 4.5 on DVD as well, didn't see the point in having the whole show on DVD except the last half of the final season.

    So I've been watching all those ending eps again, now of course knowing where it will all end up so picking up on things I missed the first time around. I've only got a couple of episodes to go and then I'll be on the finale...what mixed emotions I have about THAT one.

  2. TWS is track while scan and RWS is range while scan. VSR is something about velocity, I never use it, nor LRS, so I don't recall.


    AIM-120 and AIM-9 both have a range scale on the right side of the HUD, with 2 nested brackets and a little tick that moves down the side. When inside the larger bracket you're in theoretical range to hit. Inside the smaller bracket you're in the ideal range aka "no escape zone."


    TEWS shows radars looking at you. Planes like A-10 and Su-25 have no radar, so they can't show there. Also, it's based on type of radar, not literal plane, so you will for example notice the Su-33SM shows as "30" and the Su-27 and MiG-29 I believe are both "29" since they share the same radar.

  3. Il-2:46 is the newest WWII sim there is I believe. Its successor won't be out for awhile yet. There's also Battle of Britain 2, which is older than Il-2 but newer than CFS3. All of them are far more realistic than the Il-2 console demo version by default, but I think there are settings in the full game to make it less arcade like.

    I still remember 10 years ago we had WWII sims coming out every month. That all stopped just a few years later.

  4. I always laugh at the things TDS manages to dig up. The way these so-called "news" (and I use that term more loosely than anything could be) commentators outright contradict themselves depending on whether they're talking about someone on "their side" or the "other side" is amazing. The double standard is alive and well on the 24 hr "news" stations. They have no one else taking them to task for changing their stripes, unfortunately.

  5. Communism and fascism aren't the same kind of idealogies as eugenics or racism. An economic ideology is most certainly not a threat. The idea that the US was going to become communist in the 1950s was absurd because it couldn't unless the gov't allowed/forced it. Some small group of citizens cannot change the entire country's economic basis.

    An ideology that says group X is superior to group Y in some way, based on race, nation, religion, IS a threat.


    That's how these Muslim fundamentalist extremists justify everything they do. "We don't attack innocents" they say. Of course, when you define every American citizen, including children, as "not innocent" because of a complicated chain of reasoning then you're redefining your terms to suit your own ideals. THAT is when the ideology becomes a threat.


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