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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. Unfortunately, you can't patch that. You're as far as you can go.

    The newer Il-2:1946 was released at 4.06 I think? Anyway, 4.08m is the latest full patch and there's a 4.09m beta that's been out for a year...for Il-2:1946.


    I'm afraid you'll need to get that to get the latest patches. On the plus side, I believe all those addons will work fine with 1946.


    It's a pretty good deal, as I think you can get it for $20 or less and it includes FB, AEP, FP, and the not-separately-released-in-the-West addons Pe-2, Sturmoviks over Manchuria, and 1946. Multiple new maps and planes (including a lot of great jets in the 1946 addon) and the full 4.09 is going to have even more.


    Anyway, you're right and we don't have the patches here either. We need to get those UL'd here. I believe they're at Ubisoft's site, though.

  2. Any student of history can see that whoever is on top is a target for those who wish to be because jealously is a universal constant.


    I agree we do far too much outside of our borders, and I for one am sick of paying for it, but I'm sick of paying for other stuff too and I get no say in that either. Before WWII there was no gov't babysitting that we have now and the country was better for it.


    WWI both strengthened this country by turning it into a world player and ruined it by introducing the income tax. Now we have loser politicians who think people WANT to pay taxes to help out other people who aren't carrying their weight and want to be carried?

    We have so many homeless now because we don't keep enough of what we make to let people keep their homes! Why? So we can then give money to those same people who wind up not working after losing their home?


    Why doesn't the gov't look to reduce the cost of healthcare instead of just hand it to those who can't afford it while taking MORE money from those who can until THEY can't afford it either? Oh, that's right, they know that means the lawyers wouldn't be able to sue for 7 figures for every mistake a doctor makes and they're not going to TOUCH that. So malpractice insurance rates soar and costs for everything else soar to enable them to pay the premiums.


    Personally, I think we should pull back every US troop in the globe and to hell with sticking our noses into other countries. If they want our help, well too bad. If a country attacks us, forget sending troops, just nuke them.

  3. Wait, so you're actually assuming that a media report of a gov't deal is 100% accurate?


    Usually these packages include training and logistics for the life of the plane (which is usually 30 yrs), including several spare engines which cost a good amount. Just because the article doesn't say it does you can't assume it doesn't.


    To put it another way, that article is 8 paragraphs and the actual proposal is likely more than 8" THICK.


    Flyaway cost is NEVER the price when planes are bought because they're never bought by themselves. The only time in recent memory I can recall is there was a line item in the budget a couple of years ago for a single replacement F-22 that was listed as $141.9m or something, which was literally its flyaway cost. The rest of the time they include all this other stuff in the total price but the news always just says "for XXX planes".

  4. Playing the demo, I noticed it was hard to control the plane with the gamepad using any flight model other than arcade. The realistic and simulator ones usually resulted in me spinning quite easily which I'm sure is because of the difficulty of using the gamepad precisely.

    Does Il-2:BoP fully support other controllers like the Saitek AV8R, which I'm considering getting?

  5. I didn't think that signal would carry over a cell phone. Interesting.


    Anyway, the only time I ever did it (where I needed someone to come and open the doors for me) was in high school when the GF left the keys in the car and locked it behind her. So technically it wasn't me at all :biggrin: but I needed to call AAA to unlock it.

  6. Also, if the cost is very close (between refurb and new build) it makes more sense in this case (where you're addressing shortfalls in numbers) to buy new. While being refurb'd the plane is out of service for a long time, so you actually decrease the active inventory to do it.

    That's why the USMC went with a mixed new build/refurb for the H-1 program instead of total refurb. I think the same thing is happening with the CH-47s?

  7. According to that site, it was already down in 1997. The odd thing is I thought it was around later, too. I've been many many times since the mid-90s and I never noticed it was gone because I never looked for it! Not until when I was there a few months ago, that is, and I noticed the Pooh Playground.

  8. The USMC has a number of vessels designed around Harriers. The F-35B is the only variant that will operate off it. Buying new vessels would waste far more money.

    If you want to argue if the Harrier replacement should've been folded into the F-16/18 replacement program, that's different. However, while the USMC could use F-35Cs to replace their Hornets, they couldn't replace the Harriers.


    In fact, you could probably argue it was silly to meld the F-16 and Hornet replacement programs in the first place. The last plane that both USN and USAF used largely the same was the A-7 and it wasn't anything spectacular, just a bomb truck. In addition, the F-35C is also notable in that it will be the first single-engine plane the USN has had on a carrier since the A-7's retirement.


    Anyway, whether or not it would've been cheaper to build 2 or 3 separate planes or 1 plane with 3 variants is a moot point now, the F-35 is what we've got.

  9. Don't confuse the NAACP with some of these outspoken people. It's nothing like the KKK or skinheads, but in the words of one black American--"Jesse Jackson isn't the emperor of black people."

  10. Really? I always heard that any program that tries to access more than 2GB (just open task manager and watch the process) will crash. I seem to recall Company of Heroes doing that to me when I would play with ultra detail. There's a "large address" flag or something that I think allows up to 2.5GB used if the devs compiled it for that, but usually it's not.

    That's why I'm still only using 2GB of RAM with my 32-bit Windows, since I never multitask and only really play games or mess with my MP3s.

  11. I believe part of the limitations of 32-bit Windows is no one application has access to over 2GB of RAM. Crossing that line will often lead to crashes.


    I would think you would post a pic of a true 1080 image instead of an upconverted one! I also have the BSG series on DVD, not BD, but I don't have BD for my PC yet. Just don't see the need now.


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