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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. Can we finish the ones we're in before we start the next one?


    Oh, that's right, we can't. We never finish them, not since Vietnam in the 70s. We haven't left the mid east since we got there in 1990, but we were already doing stuff there before that (Beirut, Libya). Then there's that laughable "war on drugs" which seems to be fought with less zeal than I've seen the left and right wing commentators sling at each other on the 24 hr opinion networks.


    So what the hell, let's fight a war that you need scientific notation to count the fronts on!

  2. I found it funny how people were upset at Crysis being an SF shooter because they wanted a realistic military shooter. Well, that's not what it is.

    That's like complaining War of the Worlds was ruined by all the aliens in it!

  3. Right, that's why diesel subs are better for short-range missions, and frankly India needs them close. It doesn't need subs in the Atlantic or Pacific, it doesn't even need to send them to the furthest extents of the Indian Ocean.

    In short, this is more about the technological ability and prestige of a nuke sub versus the actual combat utility of one.

  4. Pakistan's comments are funny, because traditionally nuke subs are LOUDER than diesel/electric subs. They have long range and can stay out a long time, meaning you can lose track of them for a long period, but while it's a big technical achievment they're not as stealthy as the ones moving on batteries (which cost far less).

  5. My daughter is just past 10 months now, and I can say it only gets HARDER as time goes on! Her first 6 months were a breeze compared to now. She used to sleep all the time whenever you put her down, now she HATES it and wants to stay awake as long as she can, even if it means crawling around half-asleep to keep going. :biggrin:

    However, I can honestly say thank heaven for little girls!

  6. IMO I've never been a fan of the F-35, but constantly cutting back isn't progres either...


    My Opinion on the VTOL JSF is even lower. Seperate lift and forward flight engines is not a step forward over the harrier...


    There's only one engine. The old Russian Forger had separate engines, the JSF doesn't. It has a second lift fan, but it's powered via clutch/driveshaft to the main engine.

  7. Well, I could have assured people of that! After all, Crysis came out when, Oct 2007? Nov? Then Warhead came out less than a year later, just about one year ago. A full-fledged sequel this year is beyond reasonable expectations.

    Next year sounds about right.

  8. If you use dial-up, you can guarantee the ISP won't be available 24/7. Phone lines and dialing suck, so people in rural areas are screwed.

    Then you have upgrades, equipment failures, storms (especially the lightning storms we get here with dozens of strikes in the area every minute), none of which need to be within 10 miles from you to actually have an impact.


    Has anyone tried yanking their net connect after starting up the game to see if it only checks at startup, or does it ping away continually during the entire time it's running?

  9. If a disc gets broken, I could get another one (granted paying double) or I could get a crack if it's available. If my ISP goes down, I'm SOL as most people have no access to another ISP. Certainly can't take my HOTAS setup to the local Starbucks and use the Wifi there...


    In short, Steam seems to have the best handle on how to do it. Everyone trying to reinvent the wheel is just stupid.

  10. Remember the F-117s were retired early because the F-22 was proclaimed able to take over its mission, because the one thing people keep forgetting is stealth is NOT about "protection against enemy fighters" it's about "not being shot down by SAMs".

    We have 20 B-2s, which isn't a lot at all, but they're not useful against mobile point targets. For the tac role we had F-117s, now we have to use F-22s.

    If we don't, we have to send an F-15E or F-16 or some other plane that looms very LARGE on radar screens and risks being shot down, as they have in every conflict since Desert Storm.

  11. I can think of some, and I'm sure if we band together we can get some good ones sorted out.

    We obviously need to cover both SP and MP modes, things like unlockables (or not), scalable difficulty/ levels of realism (other than visual), equipment, AI, etc.


    I want OFPDR to be good, I take no pleasure in seeing crap released, but I'm very skeptical, especially seeing how much time and effort BIS has put into OFP/VBS/ArmA over the last decade and still fighting bugs and things.

  12. Sorry, EVERY gov't lies when it speaks. It doesn't matter what letter follows their name, they're lying.


    I would be happy if all 535 members of Congress, every high court judge, and the executive branch were replaced tomorrow by random people taken from the population. I guarantee things would get better, maybe a LOT better.

    Oh, and the bureaucracy must be thrown out. I don't care what forms you THINK are needed, they aren't. All your rules justify YOUR existence.


    The US gov't is as effective as Tylenol against ebola.


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