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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. I'm interested, but worried this may feel too foreign to succeed. It certainly has been looking more mainstream in the later trailers than the earlier ones.

  2. I was born right before Apollo 17, so it was all history to me and the irony is I'll never walk there myself because I'll certainly be too old by the time it could ever happen (moon tourists). That to me is the real tragedy...that there was money for stupid things like Social Security but not to get our butts off the Earth and into the galaxy.

  3. The noise-making ones superseded the light-only ones. They were basically flashlights with an inflatable tube on the end that the light shone thru. Hitting two together was like...well, they were basically tube-shaped beachballs, so you can imagine how limp it was!

  4. My question is--is the file really infected, or is this just another AV false alarm?

    I remember one update to AVG once quarantined my long-installed FEAR.exe for no good reason. A bad virus sig update was the culprit. In a couple of days another update cured the problem.

    Try disabling Mcafee and scan with another program temporarily to see if it's real or just all in Mc's head.

  5. I wonder what happened there.

    Yeah, the wide-open exploration, even more so that FC1, is what makes this game worth playing. Some of the other things are indeed tedious. I'm still not sure how I feel about the end of the game. Let me know what you think when you finish it.

  6. Usually system restore is on automatically from the time of Vista (and XP) install. My laptop was suffering and I went to do Sysrestore only to also discover not a single point. Now, normally in addition to periodic snapshots Windows will also take one anytime a program is installed or uninstalled. I knew something was up. Searching around the net I discovered there are issues with permissions on HDs that prevent sysrestore from writing snapshots to the directory it should be. These issues, however, only seem to appear on OEM loads of Windows ie on PCs bought with Windows already on it, not on ones that people built themselves or bought an upgrade of Windows and installed over their previous versions.

    If this is you, then you may well have this same problem and sysrestore won't work for you at all.


    In the end, I was forced to back up and restore my entire OS on the laptop. That was a fun half-day. :sad:

  7. What, no votes for Six Pack?? :biggrin:


    For me it's Smokey and the Bandit 2, hands down. More police cars destroyed in that film than in 20 years across every PD in the whole country.

  8. Johnny Rocket's is great, but there are very few around. I know of one in Orlando on I-drive, but I can't recall any others around here.

    Most of these places you people are mentioning I've never even heard of, let alone seen.

    Here we have MK, McD, Arby's, Checkers, Subway, Quiznos, Wendy's, Sonic's (a favorite), the "food court only" ones like Sbarro and Chick-Fil-A, Long John Silver, KFC, Taco Bell, maybe an occasional Nathan's...

    I think that's it. None of those others are here.

  9. Actually, I don't have any. Last I had was one of those inflatable ones from 1978 I think! Got rid of it in the 80's at some point...


    Still have a bunch of the old toys in the garage, though, and a dozen or so models in various states.

  10. Yes, and we won't talk about how old you aren't.


    [mutters]Yet another person who wasn't even born when Back to the Future hit theaters...can't believe this, born AFTER the SW trilogy...what is this world coming to...[/mutters]


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