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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. Well if the jet is over the river and the building is on the river, they may well be only a few hundred feet apart. However, I agree that appears to be taken at range with a long lens.

  2. I got into this discussion once with some random person while at an airshow, of all places. An older couple approached my group as we were photographing the show. They asked if we were professional photographers and we explained that we were Air Force. Long story short, the older lady asked if I had been deployed. I said "yes, many times." Well she went on to tell me that she was for the troops, but against the war.


    I didn't say it there, but it got me thinking. Can you be for the troops, but against the war? What we are doing in this war is our main job. To fight. So if you are against the fight, then aren't you really against us?



    Quite easy, really. It's another way of saying you disagree with the administration that sent them there. To say if you don't support the war you can't support the troops is a little like saying the NRA is wrong and you can't just blame the person (President) you have to also blame the gun (troops).

    Besides, while a soldier is trained to fight, to say it's the main job implies a time of peace is a waste for a soldier. The job is to defend the country, and if that defense takes the form of being such a scary badass that no one wants to fight you, you've done the job superbly! :biggrin:


    After all, combat in the first place is an acknowledgement of a failure by those at the top to prevent it. That's THEIR job, the troops by themselves can't prevent a war, they can only win one they're told to fight.

  3. Well, personally, I don't care that MJ died, he could've died 20 yrs ago for all the difference it would've meant to me as that was the last time I really listened to anything new of his. Thriller sits on the rack with other classics like Dark Side of the Moon, Tommy, Sgt Pepper, Nevermind...history on disc.


    That said, it's human nature to care more about those we know than those we don't, and with these stupid celebs people feel like they know them even if they've never met them. Anyone remember when John Lennon died? That surpassed this by a big amount, and he was still making good music at the time.


    So while the celebs deserve far less than they get and the soldiers far more, it will never change.

  4. That's what it looks like driving around the Cape during mating season. Damned things are all over, along with the walking speedbumps aka armadillos.


    There's a couple of really BIG ones at the Cape, too, but they don't move much. :wink:

  5. Will they lose? Yes. What will that loss cost them? My guess is not much. It's obvious the girl was being a ditz, she wasn't seriously hurt, and her family has come off as looking to make a quick buck. If they're smart, they'll take whatever settlement the lawyer can get them and not bother going to trial as they'll likely get less that way.

  6. Maybe in a year or so there will be some kind of comprhensive package that will be attractive to those of us who aren't diehard WWI fans. I'd pay $50 as long as it had at least 9 planes (3 from each major nation), good campaigns, good MP, and good single missions. The always-on net connect I'm not crazy about, but I have Steam already so I can live with it.


    I didn't go with iRacing either for the same reason...I want a product that is full-featured, not "a couple of features done REALLY well."

  7. It doesn't matter if you brought up game B or not.

    The truth is being condescending with a "don't fool yourself thinking that OFF offers anything close to a flight model that can be called remotely realistic" is classic trolling behavior. It adds nothing to the discussion, merely presents your opinion as if it's an undeniable fact (which an opinion by definition cannot be) and both insults anyone who believes different and dares them to prove otherwise (when the very statement indicates no such proof would be accepted).

    While rabu has made lengthy explanations of why he believes what he does, your entire argument has boiled down to "the FM is wrong" with a single example. Unless you work for a 24 hr opinion network and see no problem with preaching to the choir with unsupported "facts" without proof and insulting those who feel differently, I would suggest you should take a different tactic in your discussion.


    Oh, and disagreeing and/or pointing out statements made in the past are a far cry from attacks.


    I've also seen it stated several times that FMs in OFF Phase 3 differ from those in Phase 1 and 2, so if that's true making statements about OFF pre-phase 3 have little bearing on the final product. You can't judge a 2009 car by the 1995 model.

  8. I played it on release, which I think was only up to 1.02 by the time I finished it, but it never did that to me. It would hit with the sound and blurriness, then the little pills icon would show up in the lower left until I took the pills. When I did, it stopped and went away. Every time.

    As has been commented elsewhere around the net, the whole malaria thing makes for a good story but totally fails as implemented in the game. All it does is annoy you really. The most it contributes is the few missions you have to do to be given more pills.


    Sucks if it's broken in 1.03.

  9. I skipped BF2 for that reason as well as others.


    However, skipping past the argument about "unlocking" weapons or equipment, the argument for unlocking the ability to play coop can't be made.

    I do not like playing adversarial. I quit playing that stuff 5 years ago when the online gaming community became a paradise for cheaters and teens with no life that play JUST THAT GAME for 80 hrs a week.


    I like coop, like L4D or Serious Sam or many others, where you work WITH other people (that you know, no public servers for me ever) against the AI. I'm not going to play hours and hours of adversarial just to be allowed to play coop. That's just stupid.


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