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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. CFS3 is a DX7 title, not 8, and the water reflects that. It's the old style "moving textures to simulate water" type. It's an old engine that was updated for the latest versions of MSFS but the CFS series was cancelled so it never got them. As a result, CFS3 has always lagged behind Il-2, LOMAC, and others in the graphical department. Even the TK sims at release were superior, although the terrain detail is much better in the bigger-budgeted CFS3 as far as cities and things and units moving around on the ground go.

    It definitely feels dated in many ways when you play it, but if you can see past it there is fun to be had. There are also more WWII planes you can fly there that you can't anywhere else. There are a lot of older WWII birds for the TK sims, but most are out of sync with current patches. Il-2 has a lot of flyable planes, but there are many that are either nonflyable (at least before the modding started) or nonexistent. CFS3 let you DL them from avhistory or other sites and fly and fight in them all day.

  2. That guy probably also has the "side view" mirror adjusted so he can see cars behind him instead of to the side like they're supposed to be.


    If I'm sitting in my car behind you, and I can see your face in the side view mirror, congratulations! You're an idiot.

  3. Forcing an overshoot is a time-honored technique that has been used in every major conflict with air engagements. A Cobra, however, loses even more airspeed. It's a bit like a benchmark like 3DMark for the PC. It won't tell you how well it will do in a particular situation, it just indicates the plane has a lot of agility that could be used in other more tactically effective ways.

  4. I don't know if they have more now, but I'm pretty sure they had a few more in the past. Over a dozen I thought. However, some may have been retired for various reasons and at least some have suffered attrition over the years.


    Yeah, I remember the Darter variants, I thought there was another there, too. Rafael is definitely an Israeli company, though.

  5. Not for less, no. The fastest Core 2 Quads are well over $300, the slowest i7 is like $260 and yet is still faster. However, as I said the i7 mobo's cost you more (as does DDR3) so the cost is more or less the same.

    L2/3 cache is internal CPU stuff that you probably can skip worrying about. General rule of thumb is the Intel chips perform similarly at equal price points for the Core 2 line, but the core i7s run faster at an equal price even though they run at a slower clock. So the $260 core i7 is faster than the $260 core 2 quad chip, but the increased cost of DDR3 and mobo means the overall system for the i7 costs more.


    If you go with the slowest core i7 now, you'd be able to just buy a faster CPU in the future and keep the same mobo and RAM. If you go with a core 2 CPU now, most of the mobos use DDR2 (although as you pointed out you can get DDR3 ones) and you'd still have to buy a new mobo later to switch to the i7s. The Core 2 line is still in production, but we won't be seeing any faster CPUs there, development is focused on the core i7 (and soon the slower i5 and i3) lines.

  6. I paid more than that for CFS3 when it came out. By itself it is a bit on the lame side, although the campaign is excellent. Firepower really did amp it up. Then you have the mods for it like the 1% planes, Med Air War, and OFF Phase 1+2 which are all free. OFF Phase 3 of course is another pay addon like Firepower.


    If you're not planning on spending over that $10 on it, though, the free mods can still really help fix it up to what it should have been plus give you more.

  7. On the one hand, if a dream seems achievable it seems silly to "settle" for 2nd best. On the other hand, you don't want to screw up a good thing for just the promise of something better, like dumping the girl you're dating in hopes of getting a date with a "better" girl.

    So it all boils down to how much do you think you'll want to be a commando next year? My sister was really bad about wanting different things in her life (everything was "this is it" every 6 months) until she was almost 30, so...

  8. FYI the B-2's "flyaway" price was $500m at the end of its production run, and the F-22 is now quoted just under $150m. That's one of the reasons continued production of the F-22 was argued for as the early F-35s will cost over $150m each in the early years until production gets going.

  9. Thanks, guys. Her back is a little better, but that's not saying much, unfortunately! She can only turn her head from 11-1 o'clock, so no driving, can't pick up the baby... looks like I'll be taking tomorrow off to take her to the doctor and help out here.

    Definitely one of those mixed days!

  10. Hey Brain32, another good reason to export the F-22 is that it keeps the production facilities operating. If those are kept in business, we, the USA, will be able to order up more F-22 in the event we should ever need more in the future. If we don't export, and close down production now, it will be very difficult to restart production again because jobs will be lost, the employment at being such a facility will appear to be unreliable, and which will not be very encouraging to anybody wanting to seek work there. Plus, keep those facilities operating for export marketing allows more research and developments to be made for future upgrades to our Raptors. Look at how the F-16s and the F-15s evolved due to keeping the production lines operating due to exports. If we hadn't exported those aircrafts, I doubt we would have the F-16s and F-15s that we have today.



    Actually, you should say "other people" because AFAIK the most advanced F-15s and F-16s were NOT built for the US. We've had older ones upgraded with AESA and things, but no new-builds.

  11. That's a good question. I think the slowest i7 is on par with the fastest C2Ds right now, with the quads basically running the same speed (ie a 3GHz quad runs most things as fast as a 3GHz duo unless it's coded to use more than 2 cores).

    The main reason I didn't go core i7 yet was that they need DDR3 RAM and I still have DDR2 and didn't want to pay to upgrade THAT too. Oh, plus core i7 mobos all seem to cost a good deal more than C2D/Q boards, which you can get even under $100. I'm not sure if there's a core i7 board out under $200 yet.

  12. No not really, it takes a little time but not much. Its usually just a few line edits and moving or making a folder. Its just a large untaking for a few people. As you can see look at all the planes that people have ready to go in SF2 format. JM have you modded anything?


    Not since SWOTL in my college days! :grin:

    When SFP1 first came out I spent some time tweaking the early .inis as modders were still figuring things out, but as time progressed it became less necessary.


    However, I'm speaking mostly of mods that are now several steps back i.e. '06 patch levels (I still have an SFP1 install at that level for them) or FE pre-expansion pack patch (ditto).

    I'm sure updating an 11/08 patch-compatible mod to SF2 isn't too big a deal, but I've had so little time for even doing the simplest things with my TW sims these past 9 months---well, it's going to 10 months a week from Sunday, man she's getting bigger every day!---that literally my folder of DL'd-but-yet-to-install-mods for TW sims is much larger than my folder of already-installed mods is!


    I mean, when I don't even have time to run the one-click installers, you know it's bad! The only "new" things I've done other than the SF2 installs is ODS and NF4. :sad:


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