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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. I'd almost agree 100%...except the Germans were actually in France, not Germany, so it's harder to say "defending their country." However, I'm sure there were many that didn't want to be there. I'm also sure there were many that did.

  2. I don't know, but if I had to pick 10 places in the US I'd like to take a vacation in, I'm pretty sure no where in MO would be on the list. :wink:


    If you want to do the log cabin thing, try either the Rocky or Smoky Mountains. Done both (Colorado, Georgia, NC) and I enjoyed them all.

  3. I guess it depends on how much you're willing to spend. It's hard to spend under $1000 and not have an Intel video chip for starters. Even then, something like an nvidia 9200M isn't much better.

    I spent $1500 on my Dell XPS laptop and it runs games "ok" thanks to a 2.4GHZ C2D and an 8600GT video chip.

  4. LOL, you've just described OFP and ArmA to a T. Team tactics are all there are. Nothing like having a squad backed up by a couple of Humvees and Strykers running into a T-72 and BRDM with a bunch of patrols coming at you...

  5. When I started here 7 years ago it wasn't either. It only stopped off here maybe half a dozen times max 2+ yrs back before the runway debacle meant no plane needing a runway longer than 2500 ft or so (our crosswind runway which is still ok) could land here.


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