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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. Il-76 engines are similar to those on 727 and DC-8 eg old design turbojets. Turbofans are far less noisy, and that's what every modern design, fighter, bomber, transport, or civilian, now uses.


    In a turbofan, there is a large fan (or fans) in front of the engine core that pushes a large amount of air around the core and out the back without combustion taking place in it.


    In a turbojet, a large speaker disguised as a jet creates megadecibels of sound to push the plane away from the ground.

  2. We get noise complaints at our base all the time...and all we have are a handful of C-130s, HH-60s, and some visiting planes!

    Who are they from? Retired military living near the base so they have access to the BX and clinic! They literally want their cake and to eat it, too, and they can just STFU.

  3. This sh*t wasn't supposed to happen with Chairman Mao-bama in command. The world was supposed to love and respect us and dictators were supposed to run teary-eyed to us and beg for forgiveness. Wonder what went wrong?


    Could it be the rest of the world really just doesn't give a damn whose name is on the door?

    Besides, so far all that's changed is the talk, the actions haven't. At least, none that matter.

  4. All I want in a next gen console is a real joystick like the PC has. I can't use an XBOX controller because of my disability. Until they start doing that again (Sega consoles including the Genesis had a 4 button stick with trigger and b, c and start buttons on top) I'll be sticking w/PC.




    I don't know if this is compatible with your needs, but it's worth taking a look:


  5. Well, to be honest only GT5 holds any interest for me whatsoever.

    Of course, I only have like half a dozen titles for my 360 and 2 of them are racing. Another 2 are flying. The last 2 are Star Wars. Well, that covers my interests right there! :grin:

  6. Yes, a statement like "you can't argue with that but I bet you're going to try" is goading at best and baiting at worst. The jibe about "360 fanboys" was borderline, but the following statement pushed it over the line. The post was fine till then.


    Whether there will ever be 50GB PS3 exclusives is debatable, as few developers can afford to make a game with that kind of budget and then not make it cross-platform.

  7. Yes...yes...forget explosive bolts on the canopy and rockets on the seat...we'll just put explosive bolts over the ENTIRE plane with rockets at every juncture, and at ejection the plane will simply blow itself apart to leave the pilot sitting there in a chair hurtling thru the air at hundreds of knots!!


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