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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. There was the time some genius at SimHQ laughed off my suggestion that TK might consider on-line distribution (this was way before the 3rdwire on-line store - back when there was a SimHQ SF community). He said something along the lines of "I am constantly amazed by the lack of business understanding of some people" and then said some nonsense about TK not wanting to offend his retailers by selling his sims over the net. I felt a bit bad about this considering the amount of money I had spent getting my MBA, but I let it slide. The guy was one of those hyperactive "meteor" posters who appear from nowhere, do 500 posts in a month and then disappear forever. I still laugh about that one.



    They don't just "disappear", they're usually banned. :wink:

  2. Prior to SF2, I would just start a MP session and put myself against unarmed planes only (bombers, transports, etc) if I wanted to just try out a particular plane in a low-threat environment. As SF2 dumped MP, that's no longer an option. However, you could just start a campaign mission and never leave your home base, ignoring the radio and other things happening far away.

  3. LOL, well the $45 part should clue you to the fact that you got a bargain processor. For many tasks it's perfectly capable, I'm just saying it's not ideal for gaming...especially newer games.

    Most "good for gaming" processors are going to run you $100+ right now. I think the C2D 3GHz I just got rid of runs about $170 right now. Since you already bought the mobo, look at what the board is capable of running on Asus' site and you'll see what CPUs it could take.


    If you stick with older sims it shouldn't be too bad (you likely can't run at max detail), but I think DCS: Black Shark and Oleg's upcoming SoW:BoB would bring that to its knees rather quickly. The funny part is your GTX280, a card that's faster than my 260, is way fast for a Sempron. I literally spent the same amount for my video card and CPU ($260 each I think) to keep the performance "matched". In your case, your CPU will be the bottleneck, there won't be anything it could throw at a 280 that the 280 can't handle. Of course, when you spend $45 on a CPU and what, $350+ on the video card, that's what will happen.

  4. T4 takes place after T3, but the only thing that's really carrying over from T3 is the fact that John was in a bunker when the nukes dropped and that Kate (played by Bryce Howard now) is his wife. She was shown as a vet in T3, now she's a doctor, and presumably she taught herself via books while in the bunker.


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