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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. Again, though, other than engine management (which many other sims already have) there's nothing different about that. Maybe some of the details of WWI engine management are new, but the rest of it is technique, not technical.

    I'm not saying they're not doing new things, or that it's not worth doing, or difficult to do. I'm saying a lot of this stuff has to be generic and applicable to any plane in the sim and including only 2 seems more like a ploy designed to make people pay more for more planes over anything else.

    One plane at a time for DCS or F4 (before it went under) makes perfect sense. For any WWII or WWI-era plane it really isn't defensible. The only WWII study sim I ever had was B-17, and thanks to the Norden sight and controlling 4 engines and multiple turrets it really was complex and worth it.

  2. Sure, sims like F4 and Flanker and Black Shark where there's a lot to learn about that plane.


    However, there's not to much to learn about a SPAD or a Sopwith. You have an engine, stick, rudder, and MGs (maybe small dumb bombs). Flying and gunnery are the only things to learn, as in depth as they may be. You have to learn those same things to the same degree in Black Shark, plus you have things like the avionics, countermeasures, weapons that aren't guns, etc.

    In short, the developers by necessity have to put a lot more effort into modeling just one plane if it's a post-50's model compared to post-WWII and earlier. So while I can accept a study sim of just an F-4 or any contemporary or later airplane, I find it hard to swallow when it's got no radar, no NAV, no radio, no missiles, no ECM, simple engines, not even retractable landing gear. What exactly are they putting all their time into?


    Frankly, no home PC can truly model a damaged WWI bird with ripped fabric anyway, the equations are too complex and need to be approximated.

  3. I still think the first Vietcong was an awesome FPS. You got to know the men in your squad and you really felt the tension, creeping around watching for booby traps (one tripwire and BOOM!), never knowing when you might get ambushed.

  4. Usually the issue is the guys doing this apparent "nonessential" work aren't the ones working on other "important" areas anyway. So they use their time to make sparkly "wow" things to help impress.

    Analogy: your new house is behind schedule because of problems with getting the plumbing done so you yell at the electricians because, after all, they're also building the house.

  5. I'm not an expert on that by any means, but it could be your memory or it could be the motherboard. Sometimes the problem is with one, but while the other isn't broken it's just incapable of overcoming the true problem.

    So in other words, your RAM could be bad, but your mobo can only compensate with one stick and 2 overwhelms its ability to cope. Likewise your mobo could be having the trouble, but it's only apparent when using 2 sticks and with just 1 it will do whatever you want no issues.

    Without another pair of RAM sticks and/or mobo for testing, it's almost impossible to determine which. You could try flashing the mobo BIOS...


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