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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. SF2:WOE will be out soon. It will likely (as the two SF2 releases before it) have some different planes from the original release as well as no MP. Other than that, either is fine. SF2 is the "wave of the future" and all mods will soon be there instead of the older ones.

  2. I like very little metal because while I enjoy the music, what some of the groups call "singing" irritates me. Many of the groups listed here like Judas Priest, AC/DC, Black Sabbath, and Metallica I like well enough, but when the guy is more screaming than singing I turn it off.

  3. Well, there's no doubt from the handheld footage they were showing on the TV that some NY'ers were panicking, doing the whole screaming and running out of the buildings thing. In any other city this likely would've been a non-issue, but someone didn't think how it might affect NYC in particular.

  4. Hmmm. "Practical" is a good question. The main issue is roll reversal. You can reverse a roll faster with a stick than a yoke, and of course I think that pulling back on the stick is a little more intuitive than pulling on the yoke.

    I don't think there's any reason it won't work, though, especially if you're used to the yoke.


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