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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. You've run into the "HD makers vs everyone else" issue.

    For everyone who uses computers, 1 MB isn't 1,000,000 bytes, it's 1,024,000 bytes. HD makers say it's 1,000,000.


    So, my 160GB drive has 159,996,960,768 bytes. Windows (and the world) says that's 149GB, but the HD says "160GB". There was a class action lawsuit years back about it that resulted in little except some lawyers getting rich and people getting the option to buy a new HD at like $10 off. Whoopee.


    As for the dual boot still showing, you have to edit your boot.ini file to get rid of that. Take EXTREME care when messing with it!

  2. My wife hates it if I close my eyes, cover my ears, and screech like a banshee with electric wires strapped to my crotch.


    She just never gets used to it.

  3. The novel Sum of All Fears begins with exactly that...the Palestinians adopting Ghandi's tactics. Of course, it's total fiction as the Palestinians seem unable to understand that everyone doesn't think like them and if they do stuff like that it would work. :grin: Funny how they're so willing to die to take out a few "Zionists", but they're never willing to die to take out no one.

  4. Well, just because like you said your CPU will be holding you back for the most part. So a 4890 and a 4850 might perform more or less equally on your PC. True the 4890 isn't much, and if you're planning on moving it to the new PC you're going to build then it is definitely worth it.

    However, if you're not going to move it you could just save the $ and put it toward the new PC. :wink:

  5. I've been renting season 2 from Netflix and I agree they're great.


    Then I try and replicate them in many sims and get let down by the cobbled-together AI, questionable FMs and DMs, and other technical limitations.


    How often in a flight sim will you see 40 planes on each side fight it out with only like 2-3 planes lost on each side? Instead you'll more than likely see 75% shot down...

  6. For political reasons I'm thinking the Russian entry will be pushed to the bottom of the list. I think at this time India would prefer to buy from pretty much anyone else to show Russia they shouldn't be taken for granted.

    I personally would like to see the Gripen make it because Sweden could use it among other reasons, but I think the Super Bug is probably the odds-on favorite.

  7. Well, think of it this way...if you don't buy those shoes, there's not any risk they'll stop making them. :wink:


    I've got every TW sim and I'll continue to get them...it's not like there's any OTHER sims coming out anyway! The only sim that wasn't from TW that I've bought in the past few YEARS was Black Shark, and the only other one coming out is Storm of War.


    My only real wish right now is for him to do a good MP sim. I wouldn't even care if he makes it "closed" as long as it lets you fly every plane he's made for his other sims in one title. :wink:

  8. Aren't most Il-2 maps a lot smaller than the ones in TK's sims? They also have a lot of them with water in that takes no space at all.

    Consider this, though...SF2's DL was under 300MB, SF2V was under 500MB. How big was the HAWX installer? Probably took most of that DVD!

    I mean, F.E.A.R.2 takes almost 12GB on my PC! 12GB!!! No mods, just stock, it came on 2 DVDs! That's an FPS of course, not a flight sim, but hi-res textures take SPACE.

  9. That's the point. They don't drive like the locals do, so the locals are constantly doing even crazier things to get around/away from them. Sort of like Mr Magoo never got in an accident himself, but...


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