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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. There is no "joy of driving" in Florida.


    Unless you find flat straight roads overpopulated with over 65's who can barely see the road and foreigners from places like New York, Georgia, and Texas a "joy," that is.


    You don't drive the road here, you survive it.

  2. FC should run on Vista fine, but you'll need the 1.12b patch. It's the whole Starforce thing.


    As for getting a success or not, it depends on how the mission is written. It could be you can't allow the enemies to destroy a certain target, or get to a certain point, or even you have to patrol an area for a certain amount of time. Unfortunately the only way to know is to open the mission up in the editor and learn to figure out exactly what the designer set. :grin:

  3. Sounds like you drove a crappy automatic. Most automatics don't even stop accelerating when they shift, at least not that you can perceive. Compare that to being able to pick out every person on the road using a manual because you see the car rock and even slow down when they shift...


    Manuals are for people who don't have to deal with traffic. The most miserable experience in my life was dealing with my manual tranny going to college each morning in stop-and-go traffic.

  4. I've owned a Toyota of one type or another since 1993, my parents and other family members since 1978, and we've never had one rust. Ever. Anywhere.


    Worst thing that's happened is the paint would wear down on the older ones, but starting with our 1998 Solara the paint seemed to last better.

  5. LOL, I remember the first time I heard the ambulance!


    I liked WoG, but I never finished it. The later missions got ridiculous with the "fight 4 planes, fight 4 planes plus zeppelin at target area, fight 4 MORE planes..." You just never had enough ammo. The creaking of the crate as you pulled hard was an awesome invention for the time, though.

  6. There's some H-5s used for development work out there, like testing new radars and such, but they're not in combat service AFAIK.


    I was just reading about the JH-7/7A program, they use the WS-6 which is pretty much a licensed copy of the Spey engines as used in the old Phantom FGRs from the UK. In fact, the JH-7's actually had used Speys while the 7As have the WS-6.


    Anyway, the Su-30 was originally called Su-27 something if I recall, wasn't it? It was designed to take over for the MiG-25/31s and that's why it had a backseater to operate the radar systems as opposed to the Su-27UB which was just for training. I think the only thing the J-11 program didn't satisfy was their desire to be totally indigenous, needing Russian engines and such. The B rectifies that.


    So the question becomes is the J-11BS a trainer version of the B, or a 2-person combat optimized B?


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