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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. you even have to fill out a combat report of your misison and attempt to get the kill confirmed.



    So, is this then the first combat sim to feature something every real pilot has to deal with? Interminable paperwork??!?!


    Call me time-challenged, but I'd just as soon have everything a real pilot has to do OUT of the cockpit done for me. I don't want to do a preflight inspection or fill out a list of problems with the plane for the crew chief either...

  2. There are many USAF Eagles getting AESA radars, yes, but the rest of the plane is staying untouched.


    This looks like Boeing trying to make the "not quite rich enough or cleared to get Raptors" crowd. They could redesign the canopy seam, too, but it looks like they didn't. I wonder what the criteria were for how far they would go changing it? They don't mention any intake blockers like the Super Hornet has, and I would think the F-15 would be in big need of those.

  3. I liked ST: Armada, it was a good RTS albeit simple. Armada II ruined some of the basics in return for sorely needed graphics upgrades.


    I also like SFC1 and 2, but again SFC3 ruined the game in return for graphics improvements.


    Don't forget ST: Elite Force, a great scifi FPS even for people that didn't like ST or Voyager.



    There were many good ST games over the years, but ST: Elite Force 2, Legacy, and others brought it down. Legacy had the capacity to be good, as the modders showed, but it was forced out the door way too early and had a ton of stuff cut out of it just to make a stupid street date.

  4. Star Trek needed something new after Voyager ended. Enterprise was not it. The concept was fine (although not great) but the execution was flawed. Nemesis as well.


    This is a blending of what ST:TOS was and Star Wars. "Real" Trekkies don't like Star Wars and are upset by any attempt to change ST, but the truth is every Star Wars film did better than the best of the ST films in the box office (ST4 which broke $100m).


    I hope one day we'll see another ST series, although when or what I've no idea, but for now this Abrams film is it.

  5. Everything is right but the speed. The F-111 could go supersonic at sea level, but the B-1B was more high subsonic. I mean, 600kts is still damn fast at 200 ft, but I think only the Vark was ever meant to actually break Mach 1 down there...not that I know how often they'd tempt fate and actually DO that.

  6. I don't think it should've been 2.75 hrs long, certainly. The 2nd FF4 film was better than the first because they cut it to 90 mins!


    Anyway, I think this is like The Spirit in being too obscure to do well. Of course, I would've predicted 300 to do poorly as well, so...

  7. The A-10 was designed to replace the A-1 with the addition of "tank busting" to the CAS role. The losing Northrop A-9 (looked like an Su-25 in many respects) didn't have the massive gun and was pretty much pure CAS, no tank busting.


    The AV-8B serves that role for the USMC, but it can't hold what an A-1 or A-10 can.


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