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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. I've had both in several sims. Other than maybe 2-3 times for novelty's sake I've never much cared for IFR.

    Carrier landings I've done a lot more, especially back in Aces of the Pacific, 1942:PAW, and F-14: Fleet Defender. Even all the way back in F-19! :grin:


    I still have TK's sims, Il-2, and LOMAC with carrier ops, although I admit I rarely land...but I do takeoff all the time!

  2. Severed Dreams was an excellent episode. I just recently rewatched the whole B5 saga, all seasons of both series and all TV/DVD films. Makes me sad that Legend of the Rangers, the one-off in 2001, was the last thing aired and that The Lost Tales, another one-off to DVD in 2007, was likely the last thing we'll ever see. :sad:

  3. I saw a write up on it in one of the USAF pubs, I can't remember which. It was sitting on a table on top of other issues!


    They got a lot of help from the USMC in making it. It was written by the character that Bacon plays.

  4. Actually, that's not too bad. I mean, it's like calling an F/A-18E an F/A-18C or vice versa.


    However, it was announced a few years ago that Clancy had sold his name to them 100% and would have no further input at all in their future releases.

    Besides, in The Bear and the Dragon he made mistakes of his own, like saying the Apache had a 20mm chaingun!

  5. It totally bombed. They didn't screen it for critics, either, which means the studio had no confidence in it.

    I also never recall seeing a single ad for it, so they didn't spend on promotion!

  6. I installed (onto my pre-Exp Pack install, to clarify) some terrains and tons of planes like the early war stuff TK skipped over. He focused on 1917-18, but the air war started in 1915 and there was a lot happening in 1916, so you don't want to miss those!

    There's no all-in-ones like NF or ODS for FE though. Closest is probably Firecage's campaigns that require a ton of planes and such to be installed manually, one at a time. Then you have peter01's new FMs. :grin:

  7. You know that I meant 352 individual kill markings.



    As for kill marks, reminds me of the story of the EF-111 which was credited with a kill of a Mirage F1 during Desert Storm... quite a feat these days for an unarmed plane! I bet that plane has a kill mark on it! :flyer:


    I think it's in the boneyard in AZ, so who knows?

  8. For stealth you want as many edges to align as you can to minimize the number of directions radar returns are reflected. You'll notice the leading edges of wings and stabs are the same angle, the trailing edges are the same angle, and panels and doors and even the cockpit may have their edges aligned that way.

    I think the ideal is to have only 4 "spikes" at like 2, 4, 8, and 10 o'clock (or roughly at those bearings).

  9. GFWL is just a nightmare. MS tried to make a competitor to Steam but is nowhere near there yet. The usage of BOTH by some games is just baffling. It should only be one or the other.


    I don't like the idea of having to buy more planes. I don't mind the expansion pack model, where you pay some amount and you get a batch of planes and maybe new terrain to go with it, but I don't want to be nickel-and-dimed to death with tons of separate planes.


    How many will the original release let you fly?

  10. I think it's because the benefits don't justify the costs or other adverse results.


    Someone COULD make an FSW fighter, it just hasn't been proven to be the best idea yet.

    For that matter, VG wings have many positives, but after a brief flirtation with them for just over a generation, no new VG plane has entered service since...the Tu-160 maybe? I forget which is the most recent, it probably isn't the B-1B.


    Then it seemed like the canard + delta configuration was the new rage, from the Gripen and Rafale through Tyhpoon and J-10, but the newest planes like the F-22 and F-35 have ignored that.


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