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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. I don't think you "plink" with 2000's, that's more a "whump." :biggrin:


    That AMRAAM idea has been floating around for years, based I guess on the fact that the Bone and the F-16 radars share many components. I think one reason it never "flew" is that AMRAAMs aren't nearly long-range enough to keep the Bone out of harm's way should the enemies choose to pursue. Sure it's fast down low, but at altitude where you'd want to be launching them from it's just barely supersonic, and you don't want to be dogfighting in a Bone. :wink:

  2. My wife looked into it but balked at the monthly price tag for mandatory features she wasn't going to use much. She instead got an iPod touch this weekend and will get some other smart phone (with lower $$ costs!) for the phone side to replace her dying SLVR (the non-flip RAZR if you don't know).

    I think they're (iphones) overpriced for what they offer, but some people don't mind. I do believe there are cheaper alternatives that work just as well.

  3. As I read in one report, the French and Brits both favor the same deep water areas in the Atlantic for their boomer patrols. Combine that with naturally being as quiet as you can all the time, perhaps a low thermocline layer keeping them both sandwiched between it and the bottom, and just plain old bad luck...

  4. Actually, the F-16 was built for the greatest reason of all: money.


    The F-15 COULD have done the job, but it was obviously too expensive to buy in sufficient numbers to replace the existing fleets (see F-22/F-35!). The LFX program was conceived as the "lo" part of a "hi lo" mix to fill out the numbers by having a cheap 2 missile + gun fighter very much along the lines of the MiG-21.

    The F-16E is as different from the YF-16 as you can get without a totally different airframe. They just got lucky that you could stick a bigger engine in it and hang tons of bombs off the wings to make it multirole. The F-16A was in need of many upgrades to make it a true multirole plane anyway.

  5. Well, Jug, while most of the nitpickers are not modders, there have been instances in the past where they were. The "mod wars" that have been waged have been ugly and are usually even MORE out of line than the statements from the non modders.

    So the caveat is while maybe you HAVE done something as good or even better than some particular mod, that doesn't give you the right to denigrate someone else's. Helpful criticism along the lines of "if you do X you would probably not see Y problem" is fine, but when it goes to "how can you release a mod with Y problem and call yourselves quality?!?" it just becomes ludicrous.

    It seems to go with those who create, though. Musician A will ridicule musician B, filmmaker X will cut down filmmaker Y, and so on. I don't understand it, but I recognize it's not limited to mods.

  6. Turning away is always going to get you killed. You NEVER put a missile on your six. You have to time the chaff and flares so they go out before the missile would hit, but not RIGHT before. It's more like 2 seconds before impact I think for best effect. You don't have to turn into them necessarily, such as doing a split S when they're at your 3 or 9, but the whole point is to make your plane change position faster than the missile can turn.


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