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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. Complaining about MS' combat sims when they haven't released one in 6 yrs is kind of silly.

    I saw some pre-release CFS 4 stuff that was never officially released and it looked good. I'm talking a lot better than Il-2, which came out the year before CFS3 but looked better. I think CFS3 made some good progress and CFS4 COULD have beat Il-2 in some areas if it had proceeded. Instead, MS canned it without a word (there was no official announcement of the game's development or its cancellation) and dedicated themselves to the air-truck sim that is MSFS.

    They've talked about releasing a new combat sim for years now, whether WWII or jet, but so far nothing.

  2. The F-22 may die to prevent threats to the F-35, in that backwards gov't logic. If they can't buy any more F-22s, they HAVE to finish the F-35!


    As for a different EW suite, the integration would prevent that. What good is a plane that jams itself? Without access to the source code, any other jammer put in there would be nigh-on impossible to deconflict with the radar and REWR/sigint stuff.


    The truth is the hardware isn't really that specialized anymore, it's all rather generic, and the software is the special part. By modifying it and locking people out from seeing it, you can ensure the capability of various models.


    As for replacing 1/2 the F-15s, no way. There are like 700 F-15s, no way we're getting 350 F-22s when it looks like we'll barely get 200 now.

  3. War will only end when mankind as we know it ends. Whether by being wiped out totally or transformed into something almost unrecognizable to us (like Star Trek), those are the only 2 options.

    Man has had a tribal mentality, an "us vs them" based on the flimsiest of differences when serious ones don't exist, since the dawn of time.

    Saying "no more wars" is so completely naive and unrealistic that it's not even possible to take seriously. The number of wars may be reduced, but it will never stop.

    Pakistan will only do something if they feel the consequences for NOT acting against terrorists are worse than those for acting against them. A threat of all-out war with India may do that. It may not, especially if the goal of funding these attacks is simply to provoke such a war so they can bash some Indian heads for their own delight.

    I think the current US policy is working pretty well...just go ahead and attack these terrorists in Pakistan whenever and wherever you find them, and maybe just deny you're doing it. Besides, it's not like Pakistan could declare war on the US for it anyway. The worst that could happen is they decide to expel the US and become unfriendly, and then we just keep doing what we're doing from Afghan bases anyway.

  4. With both the F-22 and F-35, and for that matter any 5th-gen aircraft (due to the definition), the avionics are closely integrated with the airframe. You can't pop out the radar and EW suite and leave the rest to be filled out by someone else later. It's pretty much an all-or-nothing deal.

    Then you have the material covering the surfaces, then you have the powerful engines...

    Honestly the only changes that can be made without making pretty much a totally new airplane is in the software.

  5. So should I open the notebook and remove the HDD`s is so easy like on desktop PC`s?? never did this on a laptop.


    I asked my girlfirend if she had done something with the notebook and she answered she runs "fast NTFS format" she had no idea what this was. So is it still possible to recover the data? wich program can I use?


    @Flogger23 is there a free tool to use? will looks tomorrow for a good adapter


    Did she actually say she ran "fast NTFS format" on her hard drive???? One, I didn't think it would let you do that unless it was a secondary drive. Two, if that's what happened, you do indeed need drive recovery software because that erased the HD.

  6. The problem is Pakistan isn't really that different from Afghanistan. The idea of everyone within its borders being united is totally alien to them. The tribal mentality is far too strong. That makes it hard for a central gov't to do anything when you risk 1/3 of the country rebelling every time you try and take a stand on something. So instead they just sit there and do little while making bold pronouncements.


    I never thought Pakistan a serious ally anyway. They simply figured it was easier to go along with us than not to, they never truly believed that eliminating the terrorists was the right thing to do. "Well, we don't want to get bombed, so we'll sort of go along with their idea."


    Honestly, I don't see why we don't push them harder to do things. If the gov't should fall, well, it can hardly become any worse there, can it? It's already the top central location for terrorist training, it can't go anywhere but down on that list.

  7. The problem is the F-22 line is going to be shutting down soon. If the USAF doesn't buy more fast, there won't be any available for Israel or Japan or anyone to buy later. The F-35 isn't supposed to be advanced in some ways as the F-22, which is because the F-35 was designed to be exportable and the F-22 wasn't. However, the whole issue with sensors/avionics/integration for the F-35 is making some people nervous that we're giving out too good of a plane. Frankly I think it's dumb because the plane is only being offered to allies anyway, but paranoia is a genetic trait for some of these people.

  8. Yeah, I read that this morning, but Dave beat me to the posting here...I got sidetracked. :grin:


    I can't imagine the pain that would cause. I guess it was a sniper bullet because I wouldn't think a regular AK bullet would cause damage like that. Almost a superhuman feat.

  9. For someone supposedly so smart, he sure sounds stupid.


    "he never had time to find a real partner"?

    ""Fem-bot" Aiko, who has cost £14,000 to build so far"?

    "He began work on Aiko two years ago in the home he shares with his brother

    But the stress of working on such a difficult project became too much for Le and he suffered a mild heart attack in November last year"???!?!


    Really? REALLY? I'd bet in far less than 2 yrs, for far less than $25k+, and with NO cardiac arrests he could've found someone. I'd guarantee it even! Maybe it wouldn't last, but this is ridiculous.


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