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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. I've been sucked in more times than I can remember over the past 20 yrs. It doesn't happen to me as much anymore, however I still dedicate myself to playing one or 2 games mostly at a time excluding what I play online coop with others.

    Right now I'm mostly playing Far Cry 2, with STALKER Clear Sky and the Painkiller Triple Dose bargain collection waiting in the wings. I also play a little LEGO Indy Jones, some SW Force Unleashed, and a few other 360 games for my offline gaming.

  2. Some suicides, and most attempted suicides, are calls for help. By doing what he did for 12 HOURS there's no doubt this guy wanted someone to stop him, wanted to think that someone cared enough to stop him. Broadcasting it live on a streaming site is probably the loudest way this guy could think of. Where were the parents? Who knows, it hardly matters now.

  3. IIRC, there was a near-event in the 70s in the SW US where a large fireball streaked across the sky but then left. It apparently skipped on the atmosphere and kept going. From footage taken it was estimated that had it impacted it would have been larger than the Tunguska event.

    Besides, the once-in-100,000 yrs events aren't the ones to worry about.

    Rather we should worry that around every 65 million years, almost like clock work, the Earth has experienced a mass extinction event, several of which have been linked to meteor impacts. Did we mention the last one was 65 million years ago??

  4. There was an interesting article in the recent Int'l Air Power Review about how Argentina got some Lincolns and Lancasters post-war, making them the only nation in S America with strategic bombers. Of course, they were only really ever used against themselves with the various coups and rebellions in the 50s.

  5. On the contrary, perfect is selectable in OpenGL (not DX as you've said).

    The difference is the water. There are multiple possible water settings once you choose perfect, and none of those can be picked from in game. You have to change the water= line to a higher number manually. I think 2 is the default "perfect" setting, but it goes up to at least 4 if you have an nvidia card. I think ATI was pegged at 3...

  6. The point really is, for a variety of reason, no one who really knows what happened can say with authority. We can only have rumors and speculation.

    There are facts that are easily verified, like the French bringing Rafales at the last minute, but we don't know every exercise's objectives, rules, and circumstances. To draw any sort of conclusion about a force's abilities from an exercise can be misleading at best and dangerous at worst.


    There's no question the US had the superior forces and capabilities in Vietnam, yet we "lost" because the leadership didn't know what it was doing. Unfortunately the only way to "know" is when the gloves come off and fighting starts, and then it's too late to change your mind.

  7. I fly for whatever side is available in every sim I've ever had. I've flown as Japan, Germany, US, Russia, UK, France, Australia, Canada, India, Israel, Pakistan, China, Italy, Spain, Greece, Turkey, Georgia, Ukraine...I can't even list them all.


    I don't care who I'm flying for as long as it's accurate. I don't want to fly a Russian F-15 or an American Su-27, but I'll fly Finnish F/A-18s against Greek Mirage 2000s or French F-8Ns with no trouble.


    Frankly, I can't comprehend how people can have a problem with flying for "the other side"...because it's not real! At no point ever in any sim have I been unaware of the fact that it's all fake, so all I think about is "shooting down the guy/AI trying to shoot me down." I never think "I have to kill that Chinaman" or "I'm about to shoot down a US Marine"...because I'm not.


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