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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. Print that thing out? No way. Of course, I have my original 1998 Falcon 4 binder manual still plus the old Prima Strat guide for F4, and combined with the small one F4:AF came with that covers what I need. I just reference the other manual if I need it out of the game online.

  2. Co-op mission in TK's sims all share the same attributes:

    You can only fly and fight with/against flyables, no AI-only planes are allowed. So forget attacking two-seaters.

    You're always in the air to start.

    You can only have a maximum of 4 different types of planes, and there are always 8 on each side.

    Escort missions will likely result in a "fail" because the other flight has to live to fly back to friendly territory, which rarely happens because people quit once all targets are destroyed and that is the same as them dying for your mission.


    In FE, any attempt to fly the SE.5a results in a CTD for that player in coop. You can fly against them AI-controlled without issue. There have now been more patches than I can recall but this bug has been there since pretty much the start.

  3. JM,


    In the venacular of the planet, "What's your beef?"


    Seriously my friend, I get the feeling you really don't like this reboot. What's up?





    Actually, you have it backwards. I don't like the so-called Trekkers whose disdain of Enterprise and Nemesis caused Paramount to back off from the franchise for years. This film is the inevitable result. However, I've always liked Star Wars more than Star Trek (if you hadn't guessed?) so I'm fine with it.


    Paramount gave a larger budget to this one film than any 3 previous ones combined, so they're definitely trying.

  4. I have a link at home to a non-QT version on a site somewhere that's in HD, no YT-crap vision. I'll try to remember to post it here.


    Face it, Trekkies, you let the franchise die. Nemesis was the worst-performing ST film ever, despite being IMHO the 2nd best of the TNG films. Enterprise was cancelled for poor ratings at the end of its best season, #4, which was REALLY good, especially compared to the first 2.


    Paramount learned "catering to Trekkies" = "losing $$ on every ST thing we do".


    So they've made an ST film for people that AREN'T into ST. Paramount would rather have every non-ST fan be a fan of this new one and lose every "loyal" ST fan at this point because there are so many more non-fans they could make a ton of $$ off of them.


    Thou hast maketh thine bed, now thou doth lie in it.

  5. It probably has to do with what you're using for your throttle control. You should go into the controls area where you map buttons and axes and check where the burner detent line is in relation to where your throttle control is. If you see your throttle is going past that line, it should be working.

  6. Well, seeing as we've not proven life can exist on a gas giant like Jupiter or Saturn, they're presuming from that fact.

    We've yet to detect a planet close to Earth size (ie where gravity is 2x or less Earth's) in a "habitable" zone (that distance from the star corresponding to where Venus, Earth, and Mars sit), so therefore not habitable.

    Could there be a planet that would allow that around those stars as well? Maybe. Could there be a moon of one of those gas giant planets that could, as Star Wars showed us? Again maybe. We don't yet have the ability to notice them, so we can't say.


    The main reason this is significant is because until now our solar system was the only proof we really had that you can have multiple planets orbitting a star. We've detected single planets conclusively, but we've only presumed they were really "planets" and not just a failed binary star. We've never known if the presence of one such body in orbit around a star might prevent the formation of a regular solar system. There's always been this "is the solar system a unique oddity?" concern among cosmologists. The fact that we've now seen another, so close to us, indicates the probability that there are many similar others has gone up exponentially.

  7. All it proves is that Kennedy was only hit by that one shooter, not there weren't others ready to take the shot in case he missed. :wink: Also there's no solid proof that I've ever heard that Oswald actually was that guy, unless I missed something. You know, the REAL assassin was someone else and Oswald was just the patsy setup to take the fall because he was, well, a whacko.

    The Ruby-kills-him-then-dies-quickly-of-cancer-himself was awful convenient as well.


    However, there remains one OVERWHELMING problem with the lone gunman theory that the gov't can't debunk--why are so many details of the assassination report then classified? :dntknw: There's no state secrets involving one nutjob with a rifle shooting from a window, so what's up with THAT?

    Either A) there's more to the story than we've been told and that's kept under wraps or

    B) some of the people who were remiss in their duties that "allowed" it to happen had their negligence classified to keep themselves safe. Can't go losing your job just because the President was killed, can you?

  8. Oh, the "Chinese Food" method (I call it that because of the "Column A" combined with "Column B" characteristics) is probably the biggest source of CMIs here. The problem is it's hard to know ahead of time if that will be classified so it happens by accident, harder to prevent. We do have little signs up all over with stuff in "column A" and stuff in "column B" that says "if you cross the line, problem!" You can put as much stuff from column A in one document/email that you want, and ditto for column B, but just one thing from the other side combined with just one from the first and you've gone and made a headache for the comm people. :biggrin:


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