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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. Really. Ugh. I can understand not using a missile against those small boats, after all they cost $$ and those boats are cheap. :grin: However, I think any caliber weapon from .30 to 16" is warranted (not that we or anyone else have 16" guns out there anymore :sad: ).

  2. Any "numbers" that are current or even recent I can understand being classified, and they often are like freqs, ranges, speeds, etc, but I'll just say anything that was classified before I was born I have a hard time believing needs to stay that way! :wink:

    Then you've got something like the B-2 where it's not just the stealth numbers that are classified. As they say, it was called the "Advanced Tech Bomber", not "Stealth Bomber" by the USAF.

  3. I've got Final Countdown and Top Gun on DVD because they've got those awesome flying scenes.

    Stealth didn't do that. I didn't care about the characters, the story was just too implausible (what's with AI in movies being human-smart anyway?), which is saying something compared to FC's time travel, and the liberties taken with flight mechanics (supersonic dive at Mach 3 taking them like an hour?) just killed it.

    In fact, I'd say the most recent film to have really good combat flight scenes was Flyboys. Nothing screamed DUH at you and they really pulled off those stunts well.

  4. Sometimes the stuff that is still classified decades later boggles the mind. Like the SR-71's true capabilities (when it's been TOTALLY retired for over 10 years), or some of the JFK assassination files (when the official story indicates there shouldn't be ANYTHING classified), etc.

    The problem is only a few limited people are capable of declassifying things and they tend to err on the side of caution and don't.

    Another good one is the F-16's exact flight model numbers. The plane is decades old and has been everywhere including in countries that aren't friendly anymore. There's no way the thing's specs aren't in the hands of every unfriendly nation's intel services by now, but it stays classified because maybe SOMEONE doesn't know it yet.

    I once read the only difference between a classified briefing and what you see on the news is that the classified one has the names of the sources and thereby gives you a measure of the credibility. Something on CNN will likely not be believed by everyone, so you have that doubt which will make adversaries not take it as gospel.

  5. I thought Greece had ordered Typhoons years back but then cancelled the order for budget reasons. F-16s and Mirage 2000s are still the most modern thing they have.

    They're also unique in that their greatest rival is another NATO member instead of any outside nation.

  6. I'm very disappointed in this decision. It strikes me as a very Russian one. Almost no other dev or publisher believes in using SF anymore because of the tons of bad press, but bad press apparently had zero impact on their decision. I find that remarkable.

    It's like they wanted to use SF because it's Russian and only if their 100 person testing team had serious issues with it were they going to go elsewhere.


    This reminds me of a certain other decision made just about 6 years ago to do something that people mostly thought was a bad idea, but was backed by what later turned out to be faulty information. Not that it mattered, because the "deciders" had already made up their minds and any positive backing was grabbed, however flimsy, and negative was brushed aside.


    So, congrats to ED for acting very presidential in their decision-making process. :sad:

  7. You have to enjoy the films for what they are. Of course the Moore films are nothing like the books, even in his day they had a sort of "reboot" after Moonraker. That film went literally to new heights in the post-Star Wars era that was followed by the very retro-plot For Your Eyes Only where the whole thing was about a code machine and a woman's revenge.

    The Dalton movies had their faults, but as mentioned the portrayal of Bond wasn't one of them. The Bond "women" in his 2 flicks were among the worst they had, and the villains weren't that great. Robert Davi is a good actor, but he's not suited to those types of films. Joe Don Baker...has he ever been good?


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